Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I have been dropping in the past couple of days and following the progress....and busting to share my enthusiasm. I fear it's too early as they have not settled yet so I don't want to commend them too much. I will say though, that they are off to a great start.

Hopefully Bernie see's the light, 6 years must be forever for him, at the same time if he had towed the party line from the beginning he could have been nearly two years in already.

All the best mate, looks like the omelette is coming together!
I'm a very suspicious sort always thinking that if things are going really well , there has to be a catch. I do have to admit when I come up with some weird future scenario I am usually wrong. So if it's good, maybe it really IS!
So I popped into the "Incubating and Hatching Eggs" area to get recommendations for a good small-ish incubator... Haven't incubated before, so I thought I would take in the collective BYC wisdom on the subject. One of the first threads I saw was "Getting the flock out of here", and I must say, I was intrigued enough to click on it and start reading... And reading... And reading...

Good grief, this is more addicting than any television show and a number of good books! I'm on page 16 of the 300+, and have no doubt that I will eventually get through all of them! Reading time is severely limited by toddler activities, work, and of course the chickens, but I just had foot surgery (yeah, thanksgiving kind of sucked), so I have a little downtime. Silver lining, right?

Anyways, I just have a small backyard flock now, 5 laying hens and 5 12-week olds (at least 2 are roos, I think). I'm trying for a small dual purpose flock. I've only had chickens 2 years, but haven't hatched any eggs yet. That will be this spring's project! I need to go read about incubators, but... Page 17 is calling me... Must "get the flock out of here" before I get sucked into more hours of reading!! Nooooo.... :)

Thanks to all y'all (yep, that's the Texas in me, though I'm currently calling WA state home) for contributing to this highly entertaining, yet surprisingly useful thread.

And my best friend is half-Filipino, and makes some amazing Filipino food... I haven't convinced her to get chickens yet, though... :)

Happy holidays, I'll probably go back to reading and lurking, but thought I'd skip to the end to say hi and thanks!
Hi Imps Mama, have you introduced yourself at the New Members forum? Lots of great information at the Learning Center. Nice to have you here - this is a fun group of people.

welcome. it's a wild ride.

we dropped my guests off at the jump off point for apo island and stopped at my favorite seafood restaurant on this side of the island.

we ordered ceviche and a grilled grouper. with garlic rice and mango shakes.

a nice tropical lunch

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