Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

I'm not technically a new member... Happily lurking since spring '13... :) but yes, back then I posted briefly in the new members area. I have a very active toddler and busy suburban "homestead", so reading time is precious, and it's usually a frantic search for whatever info I need then off, with little time to check in on conversations. But I LOVE having BYC as a resource, it's been so helpful to learn about my chickens! I'm a horse girl from way back, as well as dogs, cats, and other pets, but adding working livestock to our home has been an adventure--the chickens are spoiled rotten, but they are also food--eggs and meat. I've got the "egg" part down, this year I'm planning to experiment with the "meat" bit--I need to cull at least one of my hens that isn't laying, as well as at least one roo. I'm thinking about adding some Red Sagitta birds from a local breeder near me to move more towards dual purpose (, but not certain about that yet. Anyways, thanks for the welcome! :)

Edited to add: also am a medical-field person. Pediatric physical therapist, primarily with neuro-developmental disorders. Between work and my own kiddo, sometimes I feel like I need time to use my grown-up words, lol... Have been accused of LONG posts when I get going...
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Welcome glad you could find some precious time to share with the group. WOW
you have alot on your plate for sure.... I for one love long posts and have been gently admonished to try to use the @ symbol more often.... I forget sometimes that there are others on limited bandwidth...

Any hoo. I am deb from San Diego. My horse experience goes back pretty far.... I ramble off topic.... when horses or building things comes up. For what its worth My horse came from Wasougal Washington back in 2000.


"still waiting for rain"
So I popped into the "Incubating and Hatching Eggs" area to get recommendations for a good small-ish incubator... Haven't incubated before, so I thought I would take in the collective BYC wisdom on the subject. One of the first threads I saw was "Getting the flock out of here", and I must say, I was intrigued enough to click on it and start reading... And reading... And reading...

Good grief, this is more addicting than any television show and a number of good books! I'm on page 16 of the 300+, and have no doubt that I will eventually get through all of them! Reading time is severely limited by toddler activities, work, and of course the chickens, but I just had foot surgery (yeah, thanksgiving kind of sucked), so I have a little downtime. Silver lining, right?

Anyways, I just have a small backyard flock now, 5 laying hens and 5 12-week olds (at least 2 are roos, I think). I'm trying for a small dual purpose flock. I've only had chickens 2 years, but haven't hatched any eggs yet. That will be this spring's project! I need to go read about incubators, but... Page 17 is calling me... Must "get the flock out of here" before I get sucked into more hours of reading!! Nooooo....

Thanks to all y'all (yep, that's the Texas in me, though I'm currently calling WA state home) for contributing to this highly entertaining, yet surprisingly useful thread.

And my best friend is half-Filipino, and makes some amazing Filipino food... I haven't convinced her to get chickens yet, though...

Happy holidays, I'll probably go back to reading and lurking, but thought I'd skip to the end to say hi and thanks!

Oh and I have a 1588 incubator that I love.... look about third from the bottom. Mine has a fan and an egg turner. The instructions come on a big plastic card which are very easy to follow. The only thing I did different was to buy a Thermometer/hygrometer designed for reptile habitats. The sensors are each on their own wires and can be placed any where inside the incubator. And the wires are fine enough to lay in the slots the other wires go through.

we checked into a budget hotel in Dumaguete. the whole room including bathroom and closet is 10*12.

But hey, its cheap, clean, with ac and hot water.
OMG you're in Dumauguete. I had no idea it's this soon. How's the road Oz? Hope the typhoon didn't damage the already damaged road.

Anyway, welcome to the city of gentle people and hope you enjoy your stay. Cheers!
Hi Oz can you give me a contact where I can buy some day old or week old chicks, dont seem to be anyone who sells them here in Bohol, I want to have the experience of bringing them up.
Great looking coop and fine birds you got there, Rob.

@ozexpat , I now have 20 Kabir chicks but my wife is already complaining with the unpleasant smell. We are in a subdivision, a tight space with neighbors on both sides and back. I already moved half of them to my mom's place where they can be ranged better. I also found a help who started yesterday so the smell issue might or will be toned down a bit. Hopefully this gets addressed before your next trip to Dumaguete so I can add few more birds from your flock.

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