Giant owls biting chickens' heads off! (A friend's problem!)

If you are killing anything on the Endangered Species list, I suggest you keep yourself very anonymous. There are rewards for turning people in.

Maybe for a bald eagle . Game wardens not gonna catch someone protecting his flock of hens.
I'm sorry, but you are incorrect- regardless of what your local FW person or local farmer has told you about raptors. Do a computer search on "Operation High Roller." These pigeon flyers thought they could protect their birds and got caught up in a federal sting and were prosecuted.
I lost a hen who liked to roost out in the hay shed to a GHO...would have loved to have seen it! Found the hen the next morning with her head missing and she was lying in the next field. I'm assuming my dog scared the owl away but the carcass was missing the following day, so it or something else must have finished the job.

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