

Sep 25, 2020
My dogs were diagnosed with Giardia yesterday. Wondering if I should treat my flock. They free range in the same backyard. One of the dogs tested positive. It was recommended we treat the other one as well.

Don’t know if it can be treated in poultry or how to do it and what dose. No option to go to a vet.
What are the symptoms? They don't appear to have diarrhea. I treated them with Metronidazole or Fenbendazole (can't remember which one) 5 days and then 10 days later. I did this last spring due to diarrhea. It seems to have worked poop is solid. I hate to treat them now as they just started laying tons of eggs. Last year I had to treat them and hold eggs. So many eggs wasted. I wasn't sure if the Giardia was treated with the same stuff as the worms. Appears it is. So thanks for that. My dogs are getting Fenbendazole plus a pill of some sort.

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