Gil’s world... tr

@MerryMeridional @BigBlueHen53

Thanks very much. Just trying to stay positive that there will be good news. Luckily my schedule was easily cleared for today and tomorrow. Hopefully that will get me ready to return to my schedule by Thursday.

My fingers are crossed for you!
You reassure me that I am not crazy for having padlocks on the gates to my backyard. Neighbors think I am crazy when I have to run inside to get the key to let them in when they want to chat. This is a small town but I've lived in a bigger city. Trust to an extent, but protect yourself. Perhaps you could get a camera to point at any access points to your backyard? It won't help you now but maybe in the future. I am so sorry you are going through all this.

Are your social media posts locked to friends only? That's another place you could start. Who saw what you posted?
Lived in a smallish town next to a crazy lady once. No birds but I had the sweetest little half-grown Rottweiler pup. I had a fenced yard where he stayed while I was at work. He was padlocked in. This crazy lady unfastened the hinges from the corner posts and let my guy out, then called Animal control, who called me at work. She was afraid to take his collar off and AC knew me and the dog well, I taught obedience classes in town. About the third time she did it, AC offered to board this sweet pup for me, free of charge, until I coould find a safer and saner place to live! People! My goodness! Why they do the things they do, who knows? All you can do is pray for 'em.
Lived in a smallish town next to a crazy lady once. No birds but I had the sweetest little half-grown Rottweiler pup. I had a fenced yard where he stayed while I was at work. He was padlocked in. This crazy lady unfastened the hinges from the corner posts and let my guy out, then called Animal control, who called me at work. She was afraid to take his collar off and AC knew me and the dog well, I taught obedience classes in town. About the third time she did it, AC offered to board this sweet pup for me, free of charge, until I coould find a safer and saner place to live! People! My goodness! Why they do the things they do, who knows? All you can do is pray for 'em.

The lengths some people will go! Even if they are sure they are right, I guess they never learned that the ends do not justify the means...
Kkrista123, I'm so sorry for your loss and absolutely know how you feel right now.

That's why all of mine come inside with me, or I slept out on the back porch in a tent at my mom's when she wouldn't let them inside. Especially where I'm at now. The yard is super easy to get into the fence, and butts right up against a drain patch between the apartment complex behind my place. People are always walking through there to cut through the streets.

Cuddle Gil lots, imma take my pillow and blanket in the girls room tonight... and cuddle speedy.:hugs:hugs
How sad! People are horrible!!

I used to have a neighbor who stole hay from my horses and eggs from my coop. I ended up putting up 3 layers of fencing around my property to try and keep her and her vicious dog out.

I became good friends with AC cuz another neighbor kept calling on me about a horse I rescued. She hated the person calling, but loved coming out and seeing the progress the poor boy was making, and petting chickens and my dog.

I hope you get your babies back! And never doubt what a person can do regardless of age. There are a lot of nasty people out there, but there are just as many good ones! It sounds like you have the support of your community!
That's awful! If that happened to me I would search my whole county!! Luckily, most of my neighborhood has chickens... but i'm the only one with cockerels, and they just started to crow... so I do have a fear the neighbors will get mad and someone will take him, thank god my coops are in my woods and not my yard.

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