Gil’s world... tr

I am sorry for your loss. As a teenager, there were two neighborhood boys that cut down my chicken lot one day while I was at school. Imagine my surprise when most of my flock were waiting for me when I got off the school bus. Fortunately, nothing had gotten any of the chickens during their free ranging adventures that day. And they were very "considerate" vandals since they had cut the wire down in sections that allowed me to piece them back together rather quickly. And I was able to gather the chickens without to much difficulty since most of them went back into the coop at dark.
@SuperDuck I would lose it if something happened to Chuck and Buck too. I love your boys. This is seriously a horrible thing isn't it?

Someone will seriously die if they do something to my boys. Like, you'll see me plastered all over the nightly news serious. Don't f*** with my duck!
I keep checking back to see if Gil's babies miraculously show up but I'm sad to see they haven't.
My imagination is in overdrive, and it ain't pretty... or sane. I don't have any children, my speedy is my child, Sugarbaby and BeeDee are her sisters... more so then my cats or dog. It might not be healthy to be so attached, but I've had a lot more heartache from humans then I have from any other animal.
I really wish I hadn't of postponed my trip to PA, I'd try to head over to help or give a hug.
I meant the crazy person who was vandalizing your property to create problems to "fix" what they considered wrong for some reason.

Ah. I see. I think she had substance abuse issues... shrug. Long ago, far away. I found a safe home for my doggo. He was a very good boy.
No updates at all... Just a lot of dead ends. 1 neighbor with a camera but I don’t think there’s any way it could hit my house but I’ll still try. I feel like I’ve tried everything. Last resort was my boyfriend offering a $1,000 reward and then when someone stepped up with them I guess he planned to show up with a lot of friends and I guess I’d also be that persons worst enemy at the moment...

I don’t want to go to jail...

I want someone to pay for what they did...

Hopefully the universe helps me out with this one...

Gil just looked over at me with the most blank stare she’s ever given me. It was her way of saying I can’t go to jail because I have to stick around to keep her safe ;)

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