Gil’s world... tr

Hmm. Usually if a reward is offered, it's implied "no questions asked." And no violence attached, lol! Just assume the nice people returning your ducks happened to find them running loose and were happy to return them to their rightful owner. Have you checked with local animal control, animal shelters and such?
Hmm. Usually if a reward is offered, it's implied "no questions asked." And no violence attached, lol! Just assume the nice people returning your ducks happened to find them running loose and were happy to return them to their rightful owner. Have you checked with local animal control, animal shelters and such?

That's the thing... They were stolen off my property and we unaware if whoever took them knows that we know they're stolen. We're playing 'dumb' and acting as if these ducklings somehow opened locks themselves and walked away and are offering a reward to whoever 'finds them'.

If some sweet old people contact me, no violence attached! All smiles and happiness from me! If some neighborhood high schoolers contact me... I KNOW IT WAS THEM. Unfortunately I live in a small town and once you turn 16 and get your license, there's nothing to do so everyone gets in a little trouble at first. I egged a few houses in my day but NEVER STOLE SOMEONES PET!! 98% of the people find excitement in the quietness and grow up, the other 2% goes to jail. That 2% though happens to be all younger people right now creating issues for everyone. They steal from stores, people... they even left school to break into another kids house in like grade 10!!!! Like I said, this is really only 2% of the population, but they make themselves noticed for being such a small part of the people here. Hard not to point fingers but I know that's really not my job. I just wish someone would come forward with anything so I could know they are safe.
I am a little late to this post and hvaen't read all the responses, but could you file a police report? That is definitely theft of property, and you could get the authorities to contact each other about whoever made the complaint and they could look into it.

Unfortunately without video evidence the cops can't assume someone stole them... The cops think the ducklings grew 5 feet, gained opposable thumbs and let themselves out of the coop then the run then the fence! They pretty much said, "who's to say you didn't forget to close their pen at night?"

Very frustrating... I wouldn't have been there if I had forgotten to close their pen... I would have assumed the worst if they were out alone and certainly wouldn't have went to them with the issue of they're probably not alive but ya know... You would think they'd be a tiny bit more understanding, just like if someone's dog was stolen. A dog they would have made a report for, I am sure of it! They kind of chuckled too when I said ducks...
A 1000 dollar reward is huge for two ducklings in a small town... you'd think someone would step up by now.

Exactly!!! Unless they ... no longer have them. That's all I keep worrying about. So many sleepless nights. Also had 2 people in 1 day say they'd probably end up on my front lawn so I thought they knew something... I asked them both why they said they and they both said, "I don't know I just think if someone were scared of getting in trouble but realized they couldn't keep your ducklings they'd probably just drive by and leave them on your front lawn." I woke up like every 2 hours that night to check...
I've checked every rescue, animal control, wildlife center, neighbor and chicken coop nearby. We walked the creek the length of the whole town the first day, checked the only pond in the town. I've checked fields and under everyone's decks because they like to run under mine. I've posted to so many websites and made fliers. I left more fliers with neighbors and even the mail lady! Just literally nothing. Not a feather anywhere.
I wish I could make a sad like... I dont want to like your posts because I know how heartbroken you are right now... *hugs*

kinda creepy thought, but... you said they were fine when you let the dog out at 2... but were gone after that. That makes me think it might be someone that knows your routine and knew when the prime time to take them would be... or they told someone else.

Btw where did you post the video?
I wish I could make a sad like... I dont want to like your posts because I know how heartbroken you are right now... *hugs*

kinda creepy thought, but... you said they were fine when you let the dog out at 2... but were gone after that. That makes me think it might be someone that knows your routine and knew when the prime time to take them would be... or they told someone else.

Btw where did you post the video?

I posted the video on my snapchat story. Snapchats are usually private between you and whomever you send them to. However, when I posted it to 'my story' this made it public for all my snapchat friends.

I barely have any social media though so the people that are on it, I know. I went through my whole snapchat friends list and there's a sketchy person or two but I don't think they'd do this to me because I grew up with them. My boyfriend agreed they wouldn't do it but he thought maybe they showed their friends my post and their friends did it. Assumptions were only made because these are my friends little siblings so they're all in high school still. Once again though, I was aways very friendly with all my friends siblings and we could all sit down as a group of way different aged people and have nice time. It's very back and fourth with who could have even done it. The only other post I've made since was the flyer. I've kept tract of who saw my post of the flyer because I can't look back and see who saw my original post of the ducks. Snapchats on your story disappear after 24 hours. So basically, I post the flyer, it stays up for 24 hours, and so do I to recheck every hour or 2 who else has seen it.

I really think it had to be someone on my snapchat that showed it to someone else that wasn't on my snapchat. Maybe the high schoolers pointed out my house to their friends to be 'cool or popular' but I still am pretty certain in my heart and gut that these 2 kids wouldn't have done it. I hope they wouldn't have been an accomplice that just stayed in the car though... That's the thing... I get to stay up at night questioning all the people I trust and wondering and praying that the ducklings are okay... The person that did it probably got some fame among their friends and brownie points for being the cool one.

It takes a long time for the frontal cortex to close and for you to truly understand consequences. Even if they thought they could get away without getting caught, their brain probably wasn't old enough to process the consequences to me. I guess I realize it's my turn to forgive the world, find faith in the universe and try to write a new chapter because this one, didn't go according to rough draft.

At least the title of my next chapter can still be "Gil's World".

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