Girls not laying after changing the nest boxes inside of the coop


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
We have 4 Chesapeke something hens about 10 months old. They were laying on average 3 eggs per day, we changed the coop to add more nesting boxes - some were laying in the hay and some on the big box. After we changed it to 6 nice boxes and all cozy they stopped laying all together! First day nothing, second day 1 and after 3 days only 2 eggs. The hay is still the same where they were originally laying also. What did we do wrong? Will they come around again? They have a large area to roam and seem to be unafraid. When we go out they come to us. No change to food or veggie scraps. ??
Well if it ain't broke...

You possibly traumatized them unintentionally. Give it a week or two. Of course a picture of your new setup would be helpful.
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The intention was to make room for the chicks that are almost ready to be moved into the main coop. Don't have a picture but basically all we did was put dividers between the two rows to make individual nests. Before it was just two shelves with straw. Not a big change really.
If you are freeranging [and you should be] then put them on lockdown to make sure they just aren't laying under a bush somewhere.

Otherwise just wait until they readjust to their new environment.
We have 4 Chesapeke something hens about 10 months old. They were laying on average 3 eggs per day, we changed the coop to add more nesting boxes - some were laying in the hay and some on the big box. After we changed it to 6 nice boxes and all cozy they stopped laying all together! First day nothing, second day 1 and after 3 days only 2 eggs. The hay is still the same where they were originally laying also. What did we do wrong? Will they come around again? They have a large area to roam and seem to be unafraid. When we go out they come to us. No change to food or veggie scraps. ??
I would bet it's just the 'change' they have to get used to. My chicks are only 6 weeks old but any change seems to throw them off.

If you are freeranging [and you should be] then put them on lockdown to make sure they just aren't laying under a bush somewhere.

Otherwise just wait until they readjust to their new environment.

Not everyone can free range their chickens. With the countless hawks, raccoons, fox, dogs left off leashes and turkey vultures in my vicinity, my chicks would be gone in a few days. My neighbors had to stop free ranging after watching a fox kill several of her roosters and chickens and a hawk got 2 of her girls in an enclosed run that did not have a roof. So even though we would absolutely love to free range them, safety comes first.
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I would bet it's just the 'change' they have to get used to. My chicks are only 6 weeks old but any change seems to throw them off.

Not everyone can free range their chickens. With the countless hawks, raccoons, fox, dogs left off leases and turkey vultures in my vicinity, my chicks would be gone in a few days. My neighbors had to stop free ranging after watching a fox kill several of her roosters and chickens and a hawk got 2 of her girls in an enclosed run that did not have a roof. So even though we would absolutely love to free range them, safety comes first.
You might still be able to free range for an hour or two after you get off of work, even with all those problems. Just spend an hour on the patio playing with your kids or watching the sunset. Not perfect but better than none.
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