Girls vs Girls

MARTY!! you there?? I'm in school right now, xD. We got out the laptops and currently I have no reason to be here. I'll be leaving soon. Buuuuuuut, I'm here right NOW!!! So if I disappear I probably went to recess / left cause I have a dentist's appointment.

Just wanted to say HI!! I barely made it on, forgot my password!

CBL can't remember her password, so she couldn't come on. She says she needs to reset it xD
Hiya Kagu, that's very funny about the password! LOL I'd think by now you'd have it down. And CBL too!

So, Madeline kidded last night and had all bucks!
Dang it! Now I either pick a differnt one (but I'm not first in line) or wait until next year. I said either Icy blue tailfly or freestyle would do. But I'm like 2nd in line for one, and maybe as bad as 3rd for the other. Maybe if neither has my girl for me, I'll just not bother, and have my deposit put on the one girl and be done with it.
Hiya Kagu, that's very funny about the password! LOL I'd think by now you'd have it down. And CBL too!

So, Madeline kidded last night and had all bucks!
Dang it! Now I either pick a differnt one (but I'm not first in line) or wait until next year. I said either Icy blue tailfly or freestyle would do. But I'm like 2nd in line for one, and maybe as bad as 3rd for the other. Maybe if neither has my girl for me, I'll just not bother, and have my deposit put on the one girl and be done with it.

That sucks!
Hope you get a pretty, blue eyed, milker doeling :3
. I've missed you all so dearly!! I'm so sorry for not being able to get on at all. I could barely even make it out of bed. I appear to be doing better now so I hope we can all catch up tonight.
I caught some sort of virus. I don't think it was the flu but it could have been. I'm doing better now and should be able to be back on here for our regular schedule

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