Girls vs Girls

Sounds cool.

What up ladies ?!

How's everyone doing?
Good. Our pigeons raised up the 2 squabs and are now nesting again. We have another pair who have an egg (other died).

The pigs are doing well. Sweet guys. 60lbs for the boy and 50lbs for the girl. I can't wait for the fair!

I also can't wait for school to be over!! Lol. We have 2 big projects due on Friday, and we have another one due tomorrow that I don't understand (not 'big' but a project in math that I don't understand)
Not much, just farm stuff. Planting potatoes, Pumpkins, weeding, and stuff with chickens. What about you?

It's been raining on and off but when it rains it pours. -_-
There is a tomato called "Alaska" that goes from seed to tomatoes in under 60 days....plant that Cochin!! It even tasts good, it was designed just for your area.

MKK, glad your busy planting. It has not rained here much at all. I'm going to put in a very small garden for the buyers of my house, but just 4 - 4' x 4' squares with a few of most popular items. They don't garden much at all, and were not raised to it like we were, so I'm also leaving them 3 great gardening books. I was thinking tomato, lettuce, carrot, onion, cantaloup, cucumber, and a mini watermelon. Thank that will do to get them started (and excited)? They have 4 kids, so gardening would be good for them. I havn't talked them into chickens yet. Shame, as hens are soooo easy!

Anyone seen Kevin?
Kevin, havn't read crime and punishment. Is it good?

Cochin, come cook spagetti for me!!!

MKK, be well soon. Everyone around here is sick too. Remember, you are MORE likely to develope allergies the older you get. They often start at age 12-15. It's based on your bodies response to things it meets daily.....

(remember, pre-med nursing school biology major!)
There is a tomato called "Alaska" that goes from seed to tomatoes in under 60 days....plant that Cochin!! It even tasts good, it was designed just for your area.

MKK, glad your busy planting. It has not rained here much at all. I'm going to put in a very small garden for the buyers of my house, but just 4 - 4' x 4' squares with a few of most popular items. They don't garden much at all, and were not raised to it like we were, so I'm also leaving them 3 great gardening books. I was thinking tomato, lettuce, carrot, onion, cantaloup, cucumber, and a mini watermelon. Thank that will do to get them started (and excited)? They have 4 kids, so gardening would be good for them. I havn't talked them into chickens yet. Shame, as hens are soooo easy!

Anyone seen Kevin?
Leave them some chickens!!! And a link to BYC.
Kevin, havn't read crime and punishment. Is it good?

Cochin, come cook spagetti for me!!!

MKK, be well soon. Everyone around here is sick too. Remember, you are MORE likely to develope allergies the older you get. They often start at age 12-15. It's based on your bodies response to things it meets daily.....

(remember, pre-med nursing school biology major!)
Haha Yeah. I guess. I am getting better though, so that's good.

How are all my Amigas?

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