Girls vs Girls

 What do you have planned for the week?

Well every day I take care of my thirty some chickens and I am going Blueberry picking for a few hours tomorrow plus I have a dentist appointment before that, and other stuff too. And its always super hot (for me anyway) so that wears me out. But it won't be that bad.

How are you?
It sounds like you do have quite the eventful week. I hope the blueberry picking is at least an enjoyable experience.

I'm doing well. Still auctioning off a lot of my stuff and taking life one day at a time.
It sounds like you do have quite the eventful week. I hope the blueberry picking is at least an enjoyable experience. 

I'm doing well. Still auctioning off a lot of my stuff and taking life one day at a time.

Ah okay. You are getting fair money for it all I hope.

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