Girls vs Girls

There is a dead possum in my horse's water trough
Oh Kevin?? Oh Cochin??

Where are my friends these days? The three amigas? The sisters in arms? 2 BYC friends and a fowl fiend.

I want to talk to you guys!!!! I've been avoiding BYC after two other friends (adults at that) got into a major tiff over some shipped eggs (from a third parts) and they copied me (PMs) the whole ugly scene between them. I didn't say a word. Now they both PM me about the other.
seriously, gag me with a spoon ya'll.
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Nope. Close though. Same idea, different species. I just hope neither of them ever check to see where I am. I'm sure you know how it goes. Strong personalities and natural leaders want to be recognized and honored for their opinions, not just their knowledge. I like them both, and understand them as well as you can understand people from an internet site. I feel certain that a different part of our personalities come out here. Know what I mean? Its like we reveal our subpersonalities sometimes too.

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