Girls vs Girls

Yup,cannot wait! And since my sis isnt being responsible enough with our Chickens, I get both ewes!!!

So what'd you go do?
Hi girls!

Sorry I never got on at all yesterday. After work was over, I had to drive to two far apart cities (think 8 hours in a car here) to finish up some of my dads business. They only bonus was we had the accounts together, and I get to go shopping with it! Got the girls a large above ground pool which will be lovely since we don't have A/C here. (ugh)

My birds are OK, except the pheasants are picking each others feathers apparently. I just noticed it, so I bet it happened yesterday. I forgot to run to the feed store, so nobody got fed in the morning. You know how hungry birds can get.

Please accept my APOLOGIES for not meeting my sweet friends here last night. I'll see you tonight for sure!!!

Yup,cannot wait! And since my sis isnt being responsible enough with our Chickens, I get both ewes!!!

So what'd you go do?
Just grabbed some ferret food.
Hi girls!

Sorry I never got on at all yesterday. After work was over, I had to drive to two far apart cities (think 8 hours in a car here) to finish up some of my dads business. They only bonus was we had the accounts together, and I get to go shopping with it! Got the girls a large above ground pool which will be lovely since we don't have A/C here. (ugh)

My birds are OK, except the pheasants are picking each others feathers apparently. I just noticed it, so I bet it happened yesterday. I forgot to run to the feed store, so nobody got fed in the morning. You know how hungry birds can get.

Please accept my APOLOGIES for not meeting my sweet friends here last night. I'll see you tonight for sure!!!

. See ya tonight!
Ah, but without time differences some places of the world would be sleeping in the middle of the afternoon, and others awake and working in the dead of night. Time differences are pretty interesting actually, how they figured it all out and fit it into a 24 hour clock.

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