Girls vs Girls

Me too

Never mind, i figured it out.

Tomorrow I'm gonna bake a cake then decorate it and take a pic
I've always loved decorating cakes, but never had a kit.

So, we had 2 cake mixes (we just buy the cake you add eggs, milk and water too. They still taste good tho) so I'm gonna make the other one and decorate it, but it came with little tub things for food dye, but I dunno how to get it from the tub thingy to the icing
At least w/o dumping it.

I'll add a pic in a sec.

Thanks all you guys for the happy birthdays :')

Your color is food gel, right? little bottles, with white lids and sort of thick color past? Use the tip of a knife or a toothpick. Color gel is very concentraited, so your frosting won't get thin. Just put in a little dab (serious, end of a toothpick with a wad 1/2 the size of a pea.) into your frosting. If you want black, put chocolate into your frosting first, then add the brown or black food coloring. Remember, the color gets even darker after you frost and decorate. That medium blue gets darker as it sits, just fyi. So, put the dab in with a cup of frosting, and mix with a knife, scraping edges, until blended. This stuff will stain your skin and clothes, but mostly it washes out.

when its time to decorate using your tips/bags/etc remember than consistancy of frosting is important. If your making shells or borders or stuff, when you pull the knife out of the frosting, it should stick up (the frosting) without falling over much, or it won't be stiff enough to hold decorator shaps.
Me too

Never mind, i figured it out.

Tomorrow I'm gonna bake a cake then decorate it and take a pic
Remember to let it cool ALL THE WAY for 3 hours before you frost. After frosting, into the fridge for an hour while you color your frosting and get your stuff togather, then the cold cake will help frosting stay in place and look better.
Remember to let it cool ALL THE WAY for 3 hours before you frost. After frosting, into the fridge for an hour while you color your frosting and get your stuff togather, then the cold cake will help frosting stay in place and look better.

OK, thanks :)

Ya thats what I was talking about but I just decided to use a knife, but I'll just use a little dab like you said

thanks for the tips.

Hows your day been?
York, after Yorkshire pig because he grunts like a pig when he gets scared, then hits me with his wing or 'stabs; me with his beak

Heres York on the ground


York in front, Splash (temp. name... maybe...) and then the tamest pigeon in the back (gonna name her Everest I think, she likes climb)

Splash, shes so pretty!

She has brown on her wing

Splash on top, York under her, and Everest at bottom (not srue on her gender..)
Cochin, they are AWESOME! Yes, commen ones can be fed about anything really. Just give them chicken food, dried bread, and a veriety of chopped scraps I'd think.

I feel asleep in the chair last night.

Where is KEVIN??
York, after Yorkshire pig because he grunts like a pig when he gets scared, then hits me with his wing or 'stabs; me with his beak

Heres York on the ground


York in front, Splash (temp. name... maybe...) and then the tamest pigeon in the back (gonna name her Everest I think, she likes climb)

Splash, shes so pretty!

She has brown on her wing

Splash on top, York under her, and Everest at bottom (not srue on her gender..)
Cochin, they are AWESOME! Yes, commen ones can be fed about anything really. Just give them chicken food, dried bread, and a veriety of chopped scraps I'd think.

I feel asleep in the chair last night.

Where is KEVIN??
Sorry I've been busy with errands all morning.
Cochin, they are AWESOME! Yes, commen ones can be fed about anything really. Just give them chicken food, dried bread, and a veriety of chopped scraps I'd think.

I feel asleep in the chair last night.

Where is KEVIN??

Ya, I love 'em
My dad calls them 'Street rats.. Pretty street rats, but still rats;

I'll just give them veggies and chicken scratch w/ laying pellets (its mixed),, cause, they seem to like that... \


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