Girls vs Girls


i dont have a laptop, mines a computer but sometimes it will make all the pictures and all the stuff like"forum" and "my profile" all different colored pixels and wont let you click them. :( ugg. its annoying

i dont have a laptop, mines a computer but sometimes it will make all the pictures and all the stuff like"forum" and "my profile" all different colored pixels and wont let you click them. :( ugg. its annoying
Can you describe it in more detail? It could be a bug in the BYC system
No mine did the entire page. Can you please get a screen shot of it and post it in the feedback section?
Ahhh, it might be a browser cache issue if you have a newer computer. Is your computer old or new? I've had this problem in older computers, just because they're old.

It might be also because you're running a bunch of files at once. Or your C: drive is almost full. Or something along those lines.

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