Girls vs Girls

Well I'm selling Danny :( I'm making SURE he goes to a good home, for $15. After that, I'll probably keep 2, maybe 3, roosters around. One will be a split black for sure, not sure on the others. I want a split black rooster and a lavender, but since I can't physically seperate them I might only keep 1. Depends on the quality.

BTW heres Danny (want a free rooster?
Hes SUPER sweet!! and a cochin!)

Danny is so adorable!
. Sorry you have to sell him!
Hi girls. Kev, I tried to email you from my phone last night. My DD actually broke my wireless connection completley this time. I'm at the library on my computer using their wireless system just now. I guess there are various places I could park and use internet, but probobly I won't be on until I get it fixed. Bad timing, with me needing the computer all week. I'm here getting the phone number for my wireless folks, so I can call and get replacement parts.

Hope you girls are ok.
Oh no! I'm just glad you all are okay. We worried about you last night! Hopefully they can get it all fixed

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