Girls vs Girls

Aww you're too kind Amiga :hugs . I haven't named them because every time I do they all die :oops: . So for now the 4 kittens will go unamed. 

I swear this rain is just everywhere lately. I wonder what's going on. :hugs
This morning I was up before the SUN.. Low & behold the moon was
right above the sun.. Just a sliver of the moon.. The rest was all dark..
Remember our axis/radius was moved by about 3 inches.. 2 different earthquakes..
Any way.. Even our tortoise came out of hibernation at a weird time.. This season.
I'm going to get up earlie again &. Ceck it you guys get up before the Sun?
Oh I thought of one other thing.. I was helping our girls search for
cricket's & noticed a rip lemon on the ground. Could be nothing..
We don't harvest till January. ?? One of my clients mentioned our
planets & what not.. He told me to look up the planet nabiru.. On YouTube.
I have not had time to yet..

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