Girls vs Girls

Night Amiga
I'm exhausted so I'm heading out now. I look forward to seeing your revisions tomorrow!
I wonder if I'll hear anything back about it. I wonder how they decide whom to consider for Learning Center articles. Agh!

I'm going to bed too! Goonight Amiga! Hello Amiga Cochin, if you show!
Hi you 3!
Just popped in to send a hello, I was told she may be able to ship me those scovy eggs this week! fingers crossed, now I gotta read up again on that goose incu thread!
Hope ya all are well!
How do i delete a thread?
You can't delete them but you can close them since your a PP

Not sure how, tho.

You're arcticle is great!! But I found a mistake...

Quote: Your arcticle
You said 'Need', like you needed a solution right now, then said 'Wanted', pas tense, so the grammar is the prob there. Sorry I'm a finicky reader

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