Girls vs Girls

I really, really could use some advice. My cat Jasper chews wires! He has destroyed about ten headphones, the wire for a microphone, and (among other things) has chewed my mouse cord, several lamp cords, and the cord to my mom's iron. I've put bitter apple spray on every wire I could find, but my dad's office is full of wires, and I can't get to all of them. Just this morning I discovered that he chewed two separate headphone wires into pieces. The headphones cost about ten dollars each! What should I do to get him to stop before he hurts himself?
Well, spray all the wires with stuff like Bitter Apple Spray so he won't chew them. (I would just about murder your cat if he chewed the cord of my headphones... My headphones cost $150something.) And keep them out of his reach.

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