Girls vs Girls

Twas the Day of the Election

Twas the day of the election
of the year 2012,
to watch the candidates for presidency
as into speeches they delve.
"On, Romney!" "On, Obama!" the crowds roared with one voice
as they waited to see
who was America's choice.
Would it be Obama, who had proved with his four-year-long reign,
that he was the cause of immeasurable pain?
Or would it be Romney, who had been so bold
as to say he could fix all the problems of old?
The people anxiously stared at the clock
as the candidates flew over each stumbling block.
And as for the candidates, how fiercely they fight
as with quips they strike out at each other this night!
O the fraud! O the spats! O the villainous cheating!
That their followers commit
while continually bleating
that their candidate's the best,
there's no hope for the rest,
and that their party is so very blessed
to have such great people
supporting the evil
of abortion, same-sex marriages, and the dreaded 1 percent!
So take a seat,
and prepare to greet
our new President at the end of
this arduous meet!

By Georgie V.
Last edited:
I'm really thinking of jailbreaking my iPhone... I know how to do this successfully, legally, and safely, and it's also approved legal by the U.S. government, (against Apple) but it's just a matter of if I really want to do this... If I do, there will be so much epicness for my phone, but I'm just... rrgh..
Whats Jailbreaking... ?

To be fair, Obama was left a house of cards, Bush having destoryed us financially. However, none of them are awesome. I'm voting for my guns.
Twas the Day of the Election

Twas the day of the election
of the year 2012,
to watch the candidates for presidency
as into speeches they delve.
"On, Romney!" "On, Obama!" the crowds roared with one voice
as they waited to see
who was America's choice.
Would it be Obama, who had proved with his four-year-long reign,
that he was the cause of immeasurable pain?
Or would it be Romney, who had been so bold
as to say he could fix all the problems of old?
The people anxiously stared at the clock
as the candidates flew over each stumbling block.
And as for the candidates, how fiercely they fight
as with quips they strike out at each other this night!
O the fraud! O the spats! O the villainous cheating!
That their followers commit
while continually bleating
that their candidate's the best,
there's no hope for the rest,
and that their party is so very blessed
to have such great people
supporting the evil
of abortion, same-sex marriages, and the dreaded 1 percent!
So take a seat,
and prepare to greet
our new President at the end of
this arduous meet!

I wrote the entire thing in under ten minutes.
I'm a fast writer too. When the BYC article contest bagan a few days ago, I knew about 15 minutes later, and had my article writen w/i the hour. You can read it, there is a link here below. (not the duck one)

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