Glad be here! How am i doing?


5 Years
Jun 16, 2014
I am new to raising chickens and have been loving BYC!! I've taken lots of advice everyone is throwing around to each other. I have 4 mix breed Easter Eggers that are getting fairly big. Started with 9 but there was a massacre....
I am running behind on getting the coop built but it should be done by the weekend! Windows on the front and sides with hardware wire on the inside. The right side has a human door. Would love outside access to the nest boxes but haven't decided on a design yet. They would go in front there. How am i doing?

This is the chicken tractor i made 10' x 12'.

Half tarped with a roost in the middle.


Welcome to BYC!

So sorry about the massacre! That is just awful. But it looks like you are doing a fabulous job on the new coop! If you have any technical questions about building your coop or run, you can ask questions in our Coop and Run Construction for more help with things...

Good luck with the rest of the coop build! I hope you can get your new chicken flock re established soon. Welcome to our flock!
So sorry about the loss.
I can help with some design tips for an external egg box. I build one recently and it come out as planned. I can send you some pics and design tips if you like.
Thanks. Pictures would be great i just wasn't sure if i wanted the box going out to save space inside or going in which would probably be easier....

BTW is that a Quatro guitar in the background??
Why yes, yes it is a cuatro. I've been spotted I guess. I play the cuatro and other plucked stringed instruments. How do you know about it? It's not everyone that can pick one out.

Regarding the egg box, I will take some picks of how I built mine and send them over. It might be a couple of days though.
No Worries. I think I know what i want to do.....

I was on vacation in Florida years back and was in a little music shop where they had one. I think i played it for an hour, then, eventually bought it to bring home. I also pluck many stringed things. Such a unique sound and you really never see them anywhere.
I got mine in Puerto Rico. Next year i'm going to make a lute. My next little project. So fun. I have been playing the banjo quite a bit. That is just a difficult instrument to play well. The cuatro is something our family has played, it is the official instrument of puerto rico. My fingers are not super long so it is also easier for me to play. Its a nice instrument. Have fun with it!
You might check out
And for the history of the instrument:

You can PM me if you have any other cuatro related items or questions. Its a favorite topic of mine.

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