Glad to meet ya!


In the Brooder
May 24, 2024
Hello! My name is Mike. A lot of people call me Big Country due to reasons that are obvious when you meet me face to face. LOL I have had chickens for years in the past. Three years ago I restarted my flock. I have had chickens of all shapes and sizes: Brahmas, Barred Rocks, Cream Legbars, Americaunas, Olive Eggers, Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Barnyard Mix, Silkies, etc. I live on small acreage. We have 3 acres open and 7 acres of woods on our property. Our chickens have a large 30x30 run for 8 larger chickens of 2 cockerels, three pullets 3 hens, and 30x30 for our growing silkie run that right now only has 2 hens and 1 roo. We had a larger flock until we lost a few to a hawk. We have netted the top of their run and have had no more issues with hawks since. We still let them free range on our 1.5 of our open acres that is fenced for about 2 hours a day. Other hobbies of mine are gardening, building things (wood), old ford trucks, leatherwork, and blacksmithing. My family consists of my wife and I, and our three teenage to adult children. We also have 6 dogs. LOL not by choice. Had 2 and inherited 4 more through deaths in the family. Couldn't let them go anywhere else. I have been a long time reader of BYC and decided to take the plunge and sign up to be able to post myself.

Thank you for having me!

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