Gnats are driving our chickens inside. Help!

South Dakota Guy

Feb 22, 2023
South Dakota
My Coop
My Coop
The title pretty much say it. We have a gnat problem like I have never seen. They keep flying up my nose, eyes and ears. Watching our chickens today, they kept shaking their heads and then going back into the coop. This is even with an 88 degree temperature. I am considering getting a mosquito fogger to see if it would help. Our poor chickens need some relief but not if the cure is worse than the problem.
Good grief, that makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it. Try putting some water in a spray bottle and adding peppermint and tea tree oil, and dish soap in with it. Spray it around the coop, and you also might try putting in on your chickens. Being careful not to get it on their faces. Also try putting out several bowls of apple cider vinegar around your yard. The gnats will be attracted to the acv and drown in it. Hope this helps!
Good grief, that makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it. Try putting some water in a spray bottle and adding peppermint and tea tree oil, and dish soap in with it. Spray it around the coop, and you also might try putting in on your chickens. Being careful not to get it on their faces. Also try putting out several bowls of apple cider vinegar around your yard. The gnats will be attracted to the acv and drown in it. Hope this helps!
Thanks! I will send Chicken Mama to the store tomorrow. It looks like work is sending me out of state for a few days.
The title pretty much say it. We have a gnat problem like I have never seen. They keep flying up my nose, eyes and ears. Watching our chickens today, they kept shaking their heads and then going back into the coop. This is even with an 88 degree temperature. I am considering getting a mosquito fogger to see if it would help. Our poor chickens need some relief but not if the cure is worse than the problem.
Search BYC for this issue. Several threads and I recall some solutions discussed. I haven’t dealt with this problem so I don’t recall specifics.

Never spray any insecticide around the chickens without knowing its effect on poultry and any egg withdrawal. Overall, chickens have sensitive respiratory systems, so even a fragrance (no other chemical ) can potentially be a problem.

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