Go Proud Texans!!!

What is your favorite chicken sound?!

  • Bok bok

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • cock a doodle do

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • cluck cluck

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • or a chicken screamer!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2015
Post what you like about your area, pics of your favorite chickens and eggs, weird things going on with you chickens, and anything else! Likes appreciated! ;)
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This is Heathcliff my Ridley Bronze turkey. He and his gal, Gertrude, follow me everywhere. I love the socialness of Turkeys. My chickens only come when they think I have food but the turkeys just seem to like human company.

This is Heathcliff my Ridley Bronze turkey. He and his gal, Gertrude, follow me everywhere. I love the socialness of Turkeys. My chickens only come when they think I have food but the turkeys just seem to like human company.

Thank you for writing on here! how many chicken do you have? BIG & BEAUTIFUL TURKEY!!!
I am losing count regarding my chickens. I had about fifty that free ranged our seven acres. They got so brave they started marching down the road toward the Highway, lol. Coyotes cut their numbers in half. Now they are locked up each night and don't get to promenade until 11 which is when our coyotes are asleep, lol.

This year I started hatching turkeys in March and filled the empty turner spaces with chicken eggs, so now I have about 100 chicks out of four hatchings and about 20 turkeys.

I started a new hatching system in July because I really don't want anymore chickens but the turkey eggs are just too valuable. Every seven days I have five turkey eggs and two chicken eggs for lockdown in a separate Bator. By the time they hatch the next seven are moved over. I am hoping I don't have to hatch any more chicks at all but right now I need them to teach the newly hatched turkeys to eat.

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