Goat Fencing


11 Years
May 14, 2008
I see a 1000 foot roll of wire at the tractor store. I am wondering if i can put that every few inches apart on posts to keep in a goat. If so, how close would I have to space the wire to keep them in? I already have 3 post wood there.
If it isn't electric, I don't think that will work. They squeeze through anything! (except close spaced electric)

We do use the 4" square horse wire and that works, as long as it is firmly attached to a horizontal piece close to the bottom.

You also need at least 4' high.

Good luck! They are a hoot, but a pain in the tookus to keep out of places you don't want them in. One of ours just insists in finding ways to be closer to the dooryard to be with us.
Old farmers used to say if your fence won't hold water it won't hold goats. That's about the truth of it and you can take it to the bank.

You need a very good welded wire fence backed up by at least 3 strands of electric wire. Goats will climb. They learn to have a healthy respect for electric fencing.
We have 4 ft field or horse fencing, we have the fence posts pretty close together (6ft) as he likes to rub against the fence, and he'll push it over....

I do believe he can actually make it over the fence, but hasn't tried again since he DID ALMOST make it but caught a back leg in the fence and I found him hanging there.....

(we are planning to extend the run area - and have now bought 5ft fence)

We have a Boer goat just for the record, not a small breed.
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If 2 X 4 welded woven wire is an option, then I would go with that. Also keep in mind that they might be able to push out underneath the bottom--you probably will have to either run a board along the bottom of the fence (like horsegirl mentioned) or run a strand of electric wire on the inside of the fence (I've never tried this but have heard others have had success with this).

If you do want to try to do the wire as you first mentioned, you'll have to invest in an electric fence charger (and you'll need relevant materials--ground posts, wire insulators, etc.) They will squeeze through the wire if you don't electrify it. And keep in mind that some may squeeze through anyway. Goats can be tricky--One of my small pastures is enclosed in 5-strand high-tensile electric wire (originally for horses) and one of my does will stand next to the charger and listen for the "clicks" that the electric pulses make--then she squeezes through between pulses so she doesn't get shocked.
It's not a huge issue for me because predators aren't a problem here and when she escapes she's still in a relatively enclosed area.

Of the two options you mentioned, the woven wire really is the more suitable fencing material for goats (as long as you make sure that they cannot get out underneath of it). Not only is it more effective in keeping goats in, possibly more importantly if it is well-constructed it will keep what you don't want (predators, dogs) out.

I have both types on my farm for my goats. My favorite is by far my fence with 2 X 4 welded wire. We put it up behind an existing 3-board wood fence and then added a 4th board along the bottom, attaching the fencing to that as well. This makes it impossible for the goats to push out underneath. The whole thing looks nice, too!

ETA: I think I was posting at the same time as about 4 other people....
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I use the 4x4 cattle panels as they will last longer than fencing...I did the woven fencing and have had to redo it with cattle panels as they last longer and are stronger. If you plan on having little ones then you can put the 3' woven wire at the bottom. In the long run it willsave you money to do the welded cattle panels. I love them and from now on wont use the roll fencing. I dont use the electric fencing as my small grandkids live here and wont take that kind of chance.
If you have a jumper the 5' horse panels and believe me they are more expensive will work for your bucks if you have a jumper.My bucks cant jump them and the does stay where they are supposed to be also. No more fence breeding sine I put the cattle panels and horse panels up. Regular roll fencing leave that to chance as I had 3 bred thru the fence. Good Luck with your choice.
Chatychick's advice is good. I will only use cattle panels (5' high, 4" square) for goat fencing any more. Anything else is waste of time and money. I stand them up and attach them to posts every 4' or so. Goats can stand on them and not damage them. They can't get their heads thru them and get stuck, either.

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