Goat with scours help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
My Boer Doe developed scours about a week ago. I brought her down to the house and checked her over. I only noticed her dirty back legs and tail. So i cleaned her all up and while doing so noticed she had perfectly normal stool at that point. So i watched her close every day and she seemed fine until today. This morning she is scouring again. She lost her round belly and looks thin and deflated.

Doe is 11 months old.
Neither of my other 2 goats are displaying any symptoms.
Eye and mouth check showed near boarder line color. Other 2 goats check good and red.
Doe could possibly be pregnant. Has been exposed to buck since 8 months.
Scours are dark green, not pale, or bloody.
Doe is not acting her cheery self, seems a bit run down.
My goats pasture in 3acres, 2/3's of which are woods, but they have been there their whole lives. I have some concern about something she may have eaten. There are cherry leaves that fall where they can get to them. and who knows what else.
Total time since noticing scours and improving has been 5 days.

What I've done so far:
I went ahead and wormed. IT has been awhile since they were wormed and she was showing boarder line color.
Gave doe dose of pink bismuth. 1 hour ago.
Offered baking soda choice.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
I do plan to get her checked. But my main concern is with the holidays it will be Monday until i can get her looked at.

What is used to treat coccidia?

Do you do anything to prevent dehydration with adult goats?
Personally I use Corid for coccidia because I can get it. (I live in the middle of freaking Nowhere.) There are other things you can use. You do have to weigh the goat (or use a weight tape) so you dose correctly.

Anytime a goat scours the very first thing I suspect is coccidia. They are EVERYWHERE. They are also all different, so a goat can become immune to one type and still fall prey to another (although this is not all that common) so I am always careful.

To hydrate a goat one puts an IV just under the skin (sub-cu) and then allows an IV bag full of saline solution to slowly drip in. One can get these from a vet. One can also get them from a doctor but they are going to cost an arm and a leg at that point, better to go with the vet! Just allow the solution to drip slowly under the skin and there you are. A pic of one of my does after surgery, receiving a sub-cu drip at the vet's place:


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