
well i decided to keep my babys horns after watching utube videos and scaring the pee out of me. so far they are very mild mannered except for the jumping on my car

i live in northen idaho near couer d alene.. but i was born in rexburg and lived in idaho falls till i was five
most my family lives down there..
thelma and lousie

I have no idea what you saw on utube. I can tell you that we have taken the horns off literally many hundreds of goats of all ages over the years with no fatalities. If you like horns, fine. Some people do. I don't. Our goats would get them caught in the fences and feeders and if we didn't find them in time they would die. My facilities were simply not designed to accommodate horned heads. I never did have a problem with aggression towards us. The danger the horns posed was to the goats themselves. And the older the animal is, the more stressful it is to get them off.

it was more the pain of the babys go through. im a suckker for crying

these are the first babys we have had, so we are learning to be more quick about it.
i found a lady who has the equipment to dehorn but as they grew (VERY FAST lol didn't relize they would.)
we decided since we free range ours the only time they are pinned is at night and they let them selves out in the am lol
so we decided that for these one we would try with horns and they next time we will work alot faster..
now to dehorn them did you copper burn them or use paste?? i would like to know how people liked the paste.
but now i have the local ladys number for the next time
if we decide we dont like them with horns.
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Disbudding would typically be done under a week old via iron. We have a few people over on the sister site, www.backyardherds.com who have used the paste. I'd invite you to pop over there and do a search and read their posts on it. There are also a lot of posts on disbudding via iron.
I helped dehorn goats one time and that was enough the noise was awful. I have done hundreds of dairy calves and the only thing that really bothered me was the smell. I guess just the sound the poor little goats made just about killed me!
Now I have Texas Longhorns, so who needs to dehorn, HORNS are FUN!!!

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awwwww COW!!!!!
i want one!! but dont have the money or field
i live on a very heavy wooded area and no grass
im sad.. THAT COW IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I felt the same way!! i watched a few youtube videos on debudding with an iron and the sound of the baby screaming in pain just made me sad.
so i decided to keep them on. this is my first go around so if i see that it was a mistake then i know for next time to debud them.. but so far i like the horns they give me an extra thing to grab ahold of when they are doing something they are not suposta

my grandmother had a couple of long horns not sure if she still has them but i love the way they look
it so natural!!
I love the horns, but sometimes they do get in the way! They do know how to use them so extra care is needed while handleing them. But I won't have any other breed of cattle, at least I don't think I will. I love the temperment, the look and just the ease of their day to day care! I'm glad you like Emperoress, my cow, she is a good girl and a great momma. the only problem I have with longhorns is that like chickens one is never enough, and now I have 30 head of longhorns!!! Enjoy your goats, they look like real sweethearts!
Longhorns&Chickens :

I love the horns, the only problem I have with longhorns is that like chickens one is never enough, and now I have 30 head of longhorns!!! Enjoy your goats, they look like real sweethearts!

30 longhorns!!!! wow!! lol thats alot..
i do love.. Emperess?? you said.. shes very beautiful..
my husband would kill me!! hahaha
i understand that special care comes with animal with horns.. ive see my grandfather come in with scratches up his arm "playing' with his goats haha.
thank you for your kind words and up beat positive attutude about horns!! its a breath of fresh air!!
I had goats for over 40 years, but I don't personally know anyone who has used the methods you described to disbud baby goats. Everyone I know, myself included, used an electric dehorning iron to cauterize the horn bud. This is done by the time the kid is one week or so of age. One woman I used to know who had just a couple goats used a dehorning paste.

The copper ring method IS the electric dehorning iron.
The scoop method involves cutting the horn bud out.

I don't include the paste because I've seen very few testimonials of it - have never met anyone who uses it and it's not something that seems to be much used in goats.

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