Going to buy Comet chicks!!!


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Ohio - Chickens 3yrs
I did my chicken math and figured I could fit ten more in my coop - easy.

So, my Dad is going to buy me ten Comet chicks (1 - 2 weeks old) if all goes as planned tonight!

If all works out, I shall post pics!
We have 3 comets and they are AWESOME egg layers. Many people say they are super friendly--mine are friendly but one of them is near the top of the pecking order in the whole flock so she can get a little cranky with some of the other birds. They're great chickens, though! Enjoy the babies!
We have six comet hens and got 2 of them as babies and the other 4 as pullets. They are great layers of large/ex-large eggs and are very friendly. They also want to be petted and will jump in your lap.
OOOOOHHH! What adorable little fuzzy buts! I've got chicks coming in a couple weeks from one of the feed stores including 6 comets. My older comets are super--very friendly, easy going, still great egg layers even though they're 2 years old+. Enjoy your new precious babies! '
We got these chicks from tractor supply, the white one from the mixed pullets and the reddish one from the red pullets. They thought the reddish one was New Hampshire red but I think it may be the golden comet because the wing feathers are coming in white. Thanks for the picture. Any ideas on the white chicken? I was thinking the amberlink or tetra tint?

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