Gold Laced Wyandotte - Roo or hen?


9 Years
Sep 5, 2010
I have a golden laced wyandotte a year and a half old maybe? that I THOUGHT was a hen, but I have recently caught her trying to crow.

I know it's not completely unheard of for a hen to crow, but I wanted to get your opinion.

I am not sure if she's laying... I have an easter egger who is old and really doesnt lay anymore, but always laid pretty green eggs, and two black copper marans that lay dark chocolate eggs.... I find a light brown speckled egg in my coop maybe twice a week that i thought was from this wyandotte, but after catching her crowing I'm not sure if it's hers or maybe one of my Marans is pulling double duty and the 2nd egg just sucks. The suspect egg is sometimes an almost chocolate on one end that fades to a light cream, and sometimes it's all light, with dark speckles.... it's weird enough that I don't trust it.

She is not at all aggressive, and has no hint of spurs.

Sorry I could not get any good body pictures of her(?) just standing, she wont let me get near her with a camera when shes just running free. So what do you think, hen or roo?

And one of the weird eggs in question:

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Can you show a pic of 'her' body? Does 'she' have saddle feathers? Looks like a roo, but 1 year old really??
Could you post a picture showing the tail? I'm not seeing pointy hackle feathers, but the comb and wattles are rather large and red. I'm leaning towards hen.

Sorry, this is the best I can really manage to get of his/her body. I'm not 100% of its age, I just know that it looked pretty much just as it does now when I got it last august, so its probably a little over a year old. Ive never seen it try to mount any of my hens either.
I tried to post some body tail pics, it wont really let me get near it with a camera so i cant get good pictures unless I have someone grab it and hold it still, which kind of blocks a lot of the body
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