Golden 300 Hybrid and White Layers


11 Years
Apr 5, 2011
Bailey, CO
Has anyone hatched ducklings out of these? If so what were the offspring like? Were they good layers? I'm considering getting some but I'd really like something from which I could raise decent ducklings. I have some Anconas but for some reason they have quit laying ....
They hybrid should be really good at laying! I've never had ducks myself, but both are suppose to be good layers, right?

Best of luck!
I believe that I read on Metzers page that the second generation will also be good layers, though not necessarily as reliable. The colours will be different though. With the golden 300 the blackish ones are always male and the brownish ones are always female. This will NOT be the case in the second generation. I have no experience with the white layers.
I have 3 golden 300 that are 20 weeks old. 1 M 2 F. They have not started laying yet ;-( but I do plan to incubate eggs next spring to see what happens. Let me know if you find out before me ;-)
I have 2 white layers (hybrid 300) raised from one week old. They are excellent layers. Since 20 weeks they have averaged one egg a day per duck. If one doesn't lay one day, she lays 2 the next. They are beautiful, too! Feel free to ask any questions.

The white layers are basically smaller more active pekins that lay like mad. The golden were recently relabled as "very nervous" due to some issue in keeping the hybridization stable without deteriorated output. But the whites are nice animals all around.

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