Golden Comet Hen with Chest Injury


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2022
A predator broke into my chicken coop last night and attacked my hens (Golden Comets, about one year old). One was killed and a second was injured. The injured chicken is missing quite a few feathers. She has a bloody nose, cracked beak, and a cut near her crop. She has been walking very slowly and making gagging/chewing motions every few seconds. She has also been squinting her eyes. I've brought her inside, where she's currently resting, and put neosporin on her injuries. It's her gagging that's worrying me, because I'm not sure if there has been damage to her crop. How can I tell if she has internal injuries?
Additional information: She has been drinking water and eating layer feed, a little bit at a time. I'm planning on giving her plain Gatorade for the electrolytes. She hasn't pooped since I've let her inside (about 6 hours ago), so I'm not sure what it looks like. She's currently in a plastic bin full of pine shavings, haha, and she has both a water and food dish. I intend to treat her at home, but if a trip to the vet is necessary, I am not opposed to it.
Pickles has improved, I think, since yesterday. She's been eating and drinking more regularly and she pooped twice. The first looked normal and the second seemed to be fine, but it had a strange smell and it was a little too watery. I'm hoping this means that she has not been injured internally. She hasn't been walking much, but she's been standing more than she was. I bought Vetericyn Plus antimicrobial wound and skin care from PetCo and I've been spraying it into her wound. The gagging motions have been less frequent today, and, though she still looks tired, she doesn't appear as slow and confused.
Pickles has improved, I think, since yesterday. She's been eating and drinking more regularly and she pooped twice. The first looked normal and the second seemed to be fine, but it had a strange smell and it was a little too watery. I'm hoping this means that she has not been injured internally. She hasn't been walking much, but she's been standing more than she was. I bought Vetericyn Plus antimicrobial wound and skin care from PetCo and I've been spraying it into her wound. The gagging motions have been less frequent today, and, though she still looks tired, she doesn't appear as slow and confused.
How's Pickles doing?

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