Gonna have to cull :( *UPDATE: Amazing recovery *Graphic pics Post #82

It has been 24 hours since I last posted. The chick continued to improve today. Most of the facial swelling is gone and its eyes are mostly open. It is reacting to movement so the vision is not totally impared. It seems to be having trouble with balance and is not able to accurately peck an object it is aiming for. I do not know if this is due to visual or possibly a hearing issues. The severity of th head injury alone could be the cause. I will be giving it more time since it seems to be recovering so quickly. I made it a smoothie out of plain Greek yogurt, beef baby food, powdered chick starter, and water. It ate like it hadn't had a meal in weeks! I didn't even have to sing.
It gave me a few happy sounding chirps when it finished. The wound is starting to scab over and so far there are no signs of infection. I am applying topical antibiotics daily.
The not being able to peck properly is probably due to vision problems. My husband lost 1 of his eyes when he was 3 and it took him quite a while to get used to it. His step mother told me he used to bump into things a lot right after it happend.
Glad the chick seems to be getting better. I bet that the problem with pecking is due to poor depth perception I have a daughter who is blind in one eye and she has no depth perception. she/he will adjust and learn to make up for it. Good luck and still praying the chick makes a full recovery and is a pullet who will lay you nice big eggs.
This is the most uplifting thread I've read in a while! That chicken is like the poultry version of Daredevil, fighting crime through super-hearing alone!

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