Gonna have to cull :( *UPDATE: Amazing recovery *Graphic pics Post #82

My daughter just went in to feed the baby his special smoothie. His eyes are open and he is hitting his mark when he pecks the spoon. He started peeping like crazy because she wasn't refilling the spoon fast enough.
It finally got annoyed and flew up onto her arm to get it himself. He is sleeping a lot less and is walking much better. His injuries are still quite extensive and pics would probably be too disturbing to post. If he continues to heal and we can avoid infection, he may just be ok. Then I will have another roo that my girls will want to keep.
This chick has turned into a holy terror! He has decided that he must eat anything and everything in sight as quickly as he can. I almost broke my neck trying to catch him to take away a piece of carpet fuzz. Other than the fact he has and odd jerky movement when it swallows and a slight balance issue, he is healing at an amazing rate of speed.

I am giving him a bath tomorrow so I can really clean out and expect the head wounds. BTW human baby food gives chicks gas.
Oh Taz! I am so sorry u r going thru this...but it sounds like u have excellent skills and r doing great job at nursing that little monster back to health!!
U r great!!
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Today the little monster is doing well. He is starting to get loud! I think he spent most of the day trilling away. He has also learned to call us when his dish is empty.
Bathtime had to be postponed due to severe thunderstorms.

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