Good brown egg laying breeds, preferably not black or white?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2015
Hi, originally this year I was going to order Buff Brahmas and Black Australorps to show in my county fair. This would be to up the brown egg production in my flock (my White Leghorns are my only laying hens), and add some color to my otherwise black and white flock. Unfortunately, I just checked and realized that Buff Brahmas (from the hatchery I'm ordering from) will not be available at the time I need to order. So, I'm swapping in Light Brahmas instead. Unfortunately, that doesn't add any color to my flock. So, do you have any suggestions for prolific brown egg layers. I'm thinking Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, Partridge Plymouth Rock and other breeds like that? Preferably none like Red Sex-Links or Production Red; we can't show them. Blue and grey may work, but I'm not a huge fan. Thanks a lot!
Hi, originally this year I was going to order Buff Brahmas and Black Australorps to show in my county fair. This would be to up the brown egg production in my flock (my White Leghorns are my only laying hens), and add some color to my otherwise black and white flock. Unfortunately, I just checked and realized that Buff Brahmas (from the hatchery I'm ordering from) will not be available at the time I need to order. So, I'm swapping in Light Brahmas instead. Unfortunately, that doesn't add any color to my flock. So, do you have any suggestions for prolific brown egg layers. I'm thinking Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, Partridge Plymouth Rock and other breeds like that? Preferably none like Red Sex-Links or Production Red; we can't show them. Blue and grey may work, but I'm not a huge fan. Thanks a lot!

I have had Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons both, and they are by far my favorites when it comes to layers and showing. They are pretty easy to tame, and I have a couple RIRs that love it when I sit on a chair outside because they like to cuddle and sit on my lap. They are the best brown egg layers, and all have funny personalities. I have one Roo of each right now, and one is shy, and one is quirky and funny.
Hi, originally this year I was going to order Buff Brahmas and Black Australorps to show in my county fair. This would be to up the brown egg production in my flock (my White Leghorns are my only laying hens), and add some color to my otherwise black and white flock. Unfortunately, I just checked and realized that Buff Brahmas (from the hatchery I'm ordering from) will not be available at the time I need to order. So, I'm swapping in Light Brahmas instead. Unfortunately, that doesn't add any color to my flock. So, do you have any suggestions for prolific brown egg layers. I'm thinking Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, Partridge Plymouth Rock and other breeds like that? Preferably none like Red Sex-Links or Production Red; we can't show them. Blue and grey may work, but I'm not a huge fan. Thanks a lot!

You might try some Salmon Faverolles. They are very beautiful, calm, and gentle breed with a lay rate about the same as that of Brahmas, Orpingtons, New Hampshires, and Plymouth Rocks although not quite up to Australorp and RIR lay rates.
Gold laced Wyandottes would stand out nicely in your flock. So would the Orps, or any partridge colored bird. Welsummers would give you darker brown/terra-cotta colored eggs. Speckled Sussex are also great eye candy, although I wasn't that impressed with mine as layers.
I have had Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons both, and they are by far my favorites when it comes to layers and showing. They are pretty easy to tame, and I have a couple RIRs that love it when I sit on a chair outside because they like to cuddle and sit on my lap. They are the best brown egg layers, and all have funny personalities. I have one Roo of each right now, and one is shy, and one is quirky and funny.
Thanks a lot! I would get Rhode Island Reds, but they usually don't do well from hatcheries. But I do want some! I'm currently using Buff Orpingtons as a Plan B, just because everyone shows them. Plus I'm ordering with someone else, so I want my chicks to stand out. Thanks again!
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You might try some Salmon Faverolles. They are very beautiful, calm, and gentle breed with a lay rate about the same as that of Brahmas, Orpingtons, New Hampshires, and Plymouth Rocks although not quite up to Australorp and RIR lay rates.
Thanks so much! I was actually considering the Salmon Faverolles, but unfortunately they are not available when I need them either. My friend sells chicks, but they are only bantam Faverolles.
Gold laced Wyandottes would stand out nicely in your flock. So would the Orps, or any partridge colored bird. Welsummers would give you darker brown/terra-cotta colored eggs. Speckled Sussex are also great eye candy, although I wasn't that impressed with mine as layers.
Thanks so much! Unfortunately, Wyandottes weren't available in that variety (I already checked) and neither are Partridge Wyandottes or Plymouth Rocks. I then would have ordered them. The Welsummers are definitely an option; they are available on the exact date I need to have Light Brahmas and have easily recognizable chicks. Thanks for the suggestion!
Barnevelders, Welsummers, Speckled Sussex, Buckeyes...
So many choices, so little coop space.
haha I agree with you there! Only the Welsummers are available of those breeds though... Pity, I love all of them (though Speckled Sussex are hard to match, as the pullets in the class much look like "twins").

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