Hi, originally this year I was going to order Buff Brahmas and Black Australorps to show in my county fair. This would be to up the brown egg production in my flock (my White Leghorns are my only laying hens), and add some color to my otherwise black and white flock. Unfortunately, I just checked and realized that Buff Brahmas (from the hatchery I'm ordering from) will not be available at the time I need to order. So, I'm swapping in Light Brahmas instead. Unfortunately, that doesn't add any color to my flock. So, do you have any suggestions for prolific brown egg layers. I'm thinking Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, Partridge Plymouth Rock and other breeds like that? Preferably none like Red Sex-Links or Production Red; we can't show them. Blue and grey may work, but I'm not a huge fan. Thanks a lot!