Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

definitely! This is still one of my favourite movies, and I first watched it as a very easily scared 15 year old

this, or The Craft.
Mojo Chick'n :

My youngest son discovered Vincent Price movies at about age 15 - he loves Vincent Price movies.

Maybe one of those would be tame enough for a younger child?


Love those movies!! Pit and the Pendumlum was one of my favorites, Edward Scissorhands is not a horror movie, of sorts, but its a good Halloween one.

Little Vampire is also good; sort of scary in a mild way. Little Monsters is the bomb.

Beetlejuice is also scary in a mild way, and so sweet at the end. The dinner table scene where they sing that one song, can't think of the name of it, is a classic scene as far as I am concerned.

The Goosebumps are good too; some are dumb, we have been disappointed by a couple of them, but they are good to start with.

Psycho is a really good one, but not to start out with. That shower scene made a lot of people take baths for years!!

There was a lot of good old tv shows too, that made you think . . ."The Outer Limits", "Twilight Zone", "night Stalker" was great!!!!!​
definitely! This is still one of my favourite movies, and I first watched it as a very easily scared 15 year old

this, or The Craft.

I KNEW there was one I was forgetting, The Lost Boys. Excellent movie!!!! Kiefer Sutherland is so believable in that movie, he is scary!!!
Love those movies!! Pit and the Pendumlum was one of my favorites, Edward Scissorhands is not a horror movie, of sorts, but its a good Halloween one.

Little Vampire is also good; sort of scary in a mild way. Little Monsters is the bomb.

Beetlejuice is also scary in a mild way, and so sweet at the end. The dinner table scene where they sing that one song, can't think of the name of it, is a classic scene as far as I am concerned.

The Goosebumps are good too; some are dumb, we have been disappointed by a couple of them, but they are good to start with.

Psycho is a really good one, but not to start out with. That shower scene made a lot of people take baths for years!!

There was a lot of good old tv shows too, that made you think . . ."The Outer Limits", "Twilight Zone", "night Stalker" was great!!!!!

day, daaay o, daylight come and me want to go home... come Mr. Tally man, tally me bananas, daylight come and me want to go home....
The Birds is still the scariest movie I have seen to date. Can't beat Hitchcock. And I love Vincint Price. We watched him all the time growing up. I would go with something of his.
I go for Fright Night too! I loved that movie. Also any old Vincent Price movie. I like old horror movies, because they use suspense not gore.
When I watch scary movies with my son that I watched and were scared of at his age, he can't believe
I was scared of them.
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Poltergeist was a great movie, and its pretty tame as far as horror goes. Of course, the clown and the tree scared me, but it wasn't that bad. I think all kids can handle a healthy dose of scaring every now and then!

The other movie I was going to say is The Birds. Such a good movie! Jaws is another classic, and its pretty tame, though VERY scary for its time.

Another good movie (Though not very scary) was the Nightmare Before Christmas. Another one I liked was 1408. That mostly has a scare factor and I don't think there is any gore. I'm not a big fan of gore or torture movies, but I love a good ghost movie!

Oh, I just thought of another good one! Tim Burton's Beetlejuice. LOVED that movie as a kid!

My parents were weird and never had any movie restrictions as I was growing up. My favorite movie when I was 3 was Aliens and my dad took me to see Alien 3 when I was 3 1/2 - 4 yrs old. The only movie I was not allowed to watch was Friday the 13th because my mom said it had nudity. LOL, that wasn't ok, but apparently Terminator and Predator were perfectly fine!

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