Good morning!

Well she seems to be feeling a bit better. I gave her no food for 24 hours but this am I can still feel food in her crop as little and squishy
I put yogurt with cooked oats and powdered tums for a bit of food but I don’t know if I should let her have regular food
I am starting timpani I bra is I don’t know how to help anymore - she is Hard all around her vent - eggbound ? I don’t know if that’s normal. Her feathers are growing back but vent is more clear - have been putting fungal cream on vent past 3 days and just had another bath this am
So at this point I put a clean towel under her in cage so I can fully see any discharge
I’m leaving town tomorrow on vacation
I will have to put her down if I can’t find a caregiver or if she doesn’t improve and eat today
Vent looks better just should I just feed her regular today or continue to let her crop clear? Someone please respond ? Thank you so much
From your other post, I think that was a lash egg, and the advice given solid. I would give her her normal food and keep her on antibiotics.

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