Goose behavior!

I would imagine so does your husband.
He is the reason why I posted this. He keeps asking me why does the geese keep doing this and I’m like 🤷🏻‍♀️. The goose which my husband by the way named him rooster 😂😂😂 doesn’t even want me coming close to my husband, even though I am the one who feeds him and changes his water bucket twice per day. 🙄
Gus the goose always 'guarded' me from others, but dropped me like a hot potato when his true love appeared.
Awwwwww 😃. I don’t think my husband will mind since he says every time rooster tries to climb on him he scratches him all on his legs. He even has a big scratch on his arm from yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️
He may still keep space in his heart for your husband.

My gander is two years old and his former adoptive goose mom is now his mate. But that doesn't keep him from loving one of my human friends. Whenever he sees or hears her, he'll drop everything, bleat like a lost sheep, and run to her. During mating season he'll guard her from perceived threats. He'll also court her and try to get her to lie down so he can mate with her (so far unsuccessfully :D).

It came in very handy when I had to take the goose to the vet this spring. I had my friend goosesit the gander, and I don't think he even realized the goose was gone for an hour.

It baffles me, because he's not imprinted on humans, and he cast his love on my friend a whole year after he paired with the goose. I guess he just decided he has enough love for them both.
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He may still keep space in his heart for your husband.

My gander is two years old and his former adoptive goose mom is now his mate. But that doesn't keep him from loving one of my human friends. Whenever he sees or hears hear, he'll drop everything, bleat like a lost sheep, and run to her. During mating season he'll guard her from perceived threats. He'll also court her and try to get her to lie down so he can mate with her (so far unsuccessfully :D).

It came in very handy when I had to take the goose to the vet this spring. I had my friend goosesit the gander, and I don't think he even realized the goose was gone for an hour.

It baffles me, because he's not imprinted on humans, and he cast his love on my friend a whole year after he paired with the goose. I guess he just decided he has enough love for them both.
Interesting 😃 I hope he doesn’t do that to my husband. He’s hoping he just cast his attention on the girls when the time comes. 😂😂

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