goose eggs

Well, I do raise a few Brown Chinese, Last year I had culled down to one breeding pair, I hatched 20 goslings from that pair, all from Incubator hatching...

I only use still air hovabators/srtyafoams. (I have a cabinent Incubator, but they are horrible for me when hatching waterfowl)

I hand turn the eggs 2-3 times daily until the last 3-4 days.

I mist them with a spray bottle once a day.

For the bottom water trays I keep them all full at all times.

I never once had to help a goslings out and every egg I set that was fertile hacthed.

This is also how I hatch Bantam ducks, Muscovies, and other breeds of Geese.
I would mark them Julie so you can tell if she is able to turn them.

I will. I'm also moving her inside where I'll be able to keep a closer eye on her, and she won't have to work so hard to keep them warm.

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