Goose house pics

Very sweet of your brother!! Im sure your goslings are super happy. I'm wondering about the gravel, will it hurt their feet?
I wondered about the gravel hurting their feet too after we went on a walk-about yesterday and they really did NOT like the gravel along the edge of the driveway. Thought about sand...but that would probably erode quickly when cleaning the pool.
If I show these pictures to my geese they will go on strike, I just know it! They have to share a 16' x16' house with chickens. I'm now in the process of dividing the house into screened rooms. Thanks for the idea on ventilation but how much should I cover them in the winter? I'm at 7100' elevation in Colorado and it gets darn cold. I thought about using a "sweeter heater" this year, any thoughts? I have used red heat lamps in the past which works okay but if there is something better I'd like to know about it. I just LOVE your goose house!
I have no clue on ventilation for in East Tennessee humidty is the problem. I will consult "The Book Of Geese" and pm you later,
If your brother wants to adopt a sister, I am available. You owe him big time, that is a great structure. Your geese have it made.

Cindy, he may be ready to trade me in after this. Lol. He worked through the heatwave's 110 and 113 degrees to get this ready and installed. He's a good brother every now and again
Oh, sorry. I didn't read. Just looked at the gorgeous pictures!

Yeah, I think the gravel would hurt their feet. You could put straw or hay down after the grass is gone

You must not have waterfowl then.... There is only one thing that makes the world go round' in the world of waterfowl, mud mud mud mud mud and more MUD!
Gravel is the best solution, hay and straw will get very soggy and stinky in a less than a couple minutes in a waterfowl pen.
Are you making a separate door for them? If the shed you are using has a door already. I wouldn't make another one unless they will have an enclosed pen attached to the shed and you want to let them out to the enclosure.

I want to put an automatic opener on the door, to let them out in the morning. My parents are elderly and my mom has health problems, so sometimes I have to help her in the morning. This makes me late to let the ducks out. I have bought an automatic door for the ducks, and I'm getting the parts to make one for the geese. I'm just trying to determine how big it needs to be for a huge Dewlap Toulouse to go through.
What size geese do you have?  What size are the doors?  I am making a house for two Toulouse ganders I am adopting, and I need to know how big to make the doors for these guys.

I have four Brown Chinese. The doors are 36" high and 16" wide. I can squeeze in if needed, so I would imagine a larger goose could fit too ;)

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