Goose Paunch

A paunch is more for looks than anything. Just a bit of flesh and feathers.
A breed standard will call for one, two, or zero lobes in a paunch in a goose breeds.
Many heavier breeds will have them while some lighter breeds will not.
Much attention is paid to it because it effects the symmetry of the bird greatly. If a Toulouse, for example, has no paunch, it will be disqualified.
However many lobes a goose has does not matter to the goose itself, though. It’s more of a trait people breed for, like the fluffy feathers of a Cochin.
A paunch is more for looks than anything. Just a bit of flesh and feathers.
A breed standard will call for one, two, or zero lobes in a paunch in a goose breeds.
Many heavier breeds will have them while some lighter breeds will not.
Much attention is paid to it because it effects the symmetry of the bird greatly. If a Toulouse, for example, has no paunch, it will be disqualified.
However many lobes a goose has does not matter to the goose itself, though. It’s more of a trait people breed for, like the fluffy feathers of a Cochin.
Thanks for that information. I thought it looked odd, and like something that's gonna drag in the snow and get frostbite. I'm not sure what my American buff are supposed to have. I will have to do some more looking into it.
They have a nice, well rounded double-lobed paunch.
Than mine are faulty. One looks vaguely even, two are hanging low on the left side. Maybe they develop separately? What's in them? Any organs, or is it just like a beer belly that hangs over the belt? I doubt I could catch one of mine, nor hold onto it long enough to have a feel.
Than mine are faulty. One looks vaguely even, two are hanging low on the left side. Maybe they develop separately? What's in them? Any organs, or is it just like a beer belly that hangs over the belt? I doubt I could catch one of mine, nor hold onto it long enough to have a feel.
That’s called an “asymmetrical paunch” or something of the like, I believe. I think it’s a defect.
No organs. It’s just flesh. It won’t harm or unbalance the bird.
That’s called an “asymmetrical paunch” or something of the like, I believe. I think it’s a defect.
No organs. It’s just flesh. It won’t harm or unbalance the bird.
Thank you again for the information. I never knew this stuff before. Now I do.
All four of mine have lobes, but Levi’s seems to have more space in between his vs the girls. The girls also have longer lobes or more developed ones. When you feel the it feels just like an extra fold of skin not like a fat brisket on a steer. Their only 13 weeks so maybe during laying season it fills out some for cushion vs a flap of skin. I don’t know but the feathers and down sure feel soft and thick there. PS Levi really didn’t enjoy me felling his lobes he’s more into chest and neck scratching. Oops.

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