Goose with hurt foot/leg

I would really like to but I just simply can't I did check into it. The closest Avian vet is 100 miles away it would cost me over $70 dollars to just get there and back. Then they wanted over $100 just as an initial office visit and to see her after that everything was extra. She means a lot but I just simply do not have those types of funds to be able to do it. Please dont think I am callus Im not last year I had a really bad staph infection I dont have insurance the doctors wanted over $300 just to see me I didnt have it in my bank account so I couldn't go. That is the reality of the society we live in today be it good or bad it is what it is. Don't ask how I treated my staph infection you just simply do not want to know.
It sounds like she has bumblefoot, which is caused from a bacterial infection. Some people lance the foot to 'release' the infection, others soak the foot in epsom salts to 'draw' the infection out. Either way, as long as she has the infection in her foot, she is not going to get better.
I will have hubby look at it again when he gives her the shot this afternoon it is hard to hold her and look. She is doing lots better this morning not up on her feet and walking but definitely expressing her opinion about stuff. That is what I initially thought but it doesnt look bad no tell tell black icky scab.
I'm sorry she took a turn for the worse. I think injecting the tylan 50 according to the feed store clerks advice makes sense ( it sounds like you actually found an employee who knew what he was talking about) Try to give the injection in the breast muscle about a quarter inch deep which seemed to work with our chickens. Hopefully she countinues to respond to the treatment. it makes sense to stop the water soluble antibiotic. You could try putting a fan near her. Keep trying to figure out how to get some protein into her--maybe greek yogurt mixed in the water? It is tough to make these decision when they are ill.

I think she understands you are trying to help. I hope she improves.
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It sounds like you are doing all the right things. I would NOT cut into that foot unless you see something that you are sure is a infection. The only suggestion I have is Cold water to stand in and drink. Is the catfood you tried canned? mine would not touch the stuff but liked dry cat food. Good luck and speedly recovery, geese just tend to injure their feet and legs.
I tried both canned and dry but I will try it again now that she is feeling a little better. Hubby is blowing her up a pool for her to stand in now that we are not afraid of her drowning she was that weak for awhile. Its one of those baby infant pools because the building she is in is 4x8 so not a whole lot of room. I sprayed her with flea, tick and fly spray for pets I think it is fosters the flies were bothering her they are bad right now. I am keeping the building clean but they are attracted to the gatorade and liquid food which I am dumping and remaking several times a day though maggots would probably be good for her to eat. YUCK! This heat is horrid right now I was up at 7 this morning and it was already sweltering. I was letting her swim in the communal pool but stopped that because it gets dirty really fast and it is big enough we dont change it every single day. She was talking to hubby when he went to look at her just honking and whistling away. She stood up for probably 3-4 mins but then just kinda fell over. I appreciate everyones help and advice I really enjoy this forum it is really quite positive. The guy at TSC is a duck dude his words LOL. He was telling me about his Muscovys and rouans. I also looked everything up on the wildlife sites.This one was the most helpful its kinda technical think it is wrote for more vets My first run of birds are always my pets after that I have no issues with using them for meat birds I am hoping I feel the same way about geese. LOL I agree no cutting without a sure that is what needs to be done the last thing she needs is a secondary infection.
Do not feed maggots. Some produce toxins to protect themselves. unless you are very knowlegable about insects I would avoid them. usually there is no need to panic about an occasional maggot grabbed by a bird the maggot may be toxin free or in a low enough dose not to do harm.
BTW that link wouldn't work for me, I am not in the right location! are you in a college town or one with a wildlife refuge?

one should work. I live in an area close to two major colleges. I was teasing about the maggots I would never feed them and I would never grow them. I am very particular about everyones food including the animals. I have thought about meal worms and the research I did on them looks pretty safe but I dont know if I ever would or not. I am such a nerd I research stuff so much before I do it. People should not feed their animals anything that is mouldy or icky. Mold is a nasty nasty creature it is a colony of individual creatures and most people dont think of it that way. Fermentation is another thing we should all think about grain can ferment very quickly when it has the right conditions and spring/summer those conditions can come very quickly. New fermentation is very dangerous to all living things it can create bubbles if injested which can cause some pretty nasty things to happen. I was a chem major for a number of years before I got bored with it and moved to something else. So one of the major things we learn about is toxicology. I am not a clean freak but I am very cautious about certain things. She is doing better today still not walking much but she will get up and stand for a bit then lay back down. Come tomorrow if she is still where she is at today I am going to make her exercise a bit. OH OH OH I do have a question I call it goose glitter LOL But what is the iridecent stuff that gets all over me after I handle the white geese. It kinda looks like white sequins. I dont get it off the pekin duck nor do I get it off the africans and I rarely can catch the cayuga. I think it is like skin cells but I dont know for sure and goose glitter brings up nothing on google. (yes I am teasing with that)
Have you tried looking for someone that does wildlife rescues? You'd be surprised at home much they know about birds. I had a gosling that was brought to me sick and I couldn't seem to do anything for him. I called around and was lead to a wildlife rescuer that could get the bird into see a vet for free. The gosling didn't make it but just finding this person is great if I need them in the future. You might want to look into that. Do you have a picture of what your goose's foot looks like? Someone might be able to help a little more if they see the problem. Good luck.
I hadn't thought of that I will do some calling around tomorrow and see what I can find. I will wash her feet up tomorrow and take some pictures. I wash them every day so it is not an issue. They don't look that bad to me they never really did. I can get her to stand and eat and to stand and drink but it doesn't last long. Tonight was the first night I got her to eat dry food. It has also cooled off a lot here today was really a pleasant day. She talks a lot though I dont know why but I think that is just awesome the way they talk. Its like they are carrying on a conversation with me. I really am not a weird person I promise I am fairly normal. LOL Hubby was standing behind snakebite until we noticed that both feet had swelling now he is not sure. The weird part is I read on the duck forum on here about a guys duck being the same way. He noticed the scales missing and then it started going lame.
I gave my first shot tonight I did real well. So for all of you out there that are scared of it you can do it. I actually think she is getting better I really just wish she would get up more.
How often do they need grit? I have been mixing some with her food but she doesn't eat enough of it to really do much good. I gave her some nonmedicated chick starter tonight had some left over and just the gamebird pellets.
Also, this tylan 50 does it or should it be refrigerated to make it last longer? I know to leave it out before giving the shot I had a nurse do that to me one time and talk about HURT luckily she didnt just shove the plunger down.
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