Gordie's Chicken List Black and Blue Orps UPDATES!

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What kind of payment does he accept? I just e-mailed him about some ducklings, but was curius about this as I like to pay immediately if possible.
Looks like you got some Frizzle Cochins assorted colors as he did mention on his sales list. Isnt that what you ordered or got? It is of mixed colors when you get assorted colors and if you wanted Red Frizzle Cochins, then you gotta tell him that you want Red Frizzle Cochins. He got two other Frizzles in there like the Polish Frizzles, etc.

Frizzles do not breed true, there will be some straight and curly feathered offsprings.
Does he by any chance have started chicks and/or adults (any kind) available? I'm in central WI as well and have been trying to find some started birds with no luck. From reading this thread it appears he's quite busy and there's a response lag so I just wanted to ask here before I bother him.
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Amyleland asked:
Does he by any chance have started chicks and/or adults (any kind) available?

He does sometimes have started chicks. I got 10 blue orps 3 weeks ago from him that were well over a week old, possibly close to 2 weeks old. I'm not sure if he has any adult birds to sell or not but he well might have since he has some 600 chickens.​
He did list some started chicks on Eggbid about a week ago or so. Go on Eggbid listings and look under the completed listings and he should have some there.

Once in a while he will sell some surplus chicks and older pullets and cockerals on Eggbid in the fall. Keep checking on it.

Good luck!
Ewesheep, I am aware that Frizzles dont breed true. I have raised, bred, and showed Frizzled for about 3 years now. But you should never breed two frizzles together, it isnt a good idea for the offspring. You get what is known as a curlie or a frazzle.

My blue rocks I got from him are all doing great...just so you guys all know. And, out of the 9, I only have 1 *maybe* 2 cockrels, the rest are all ladies
I am really hoping I have 2 boys, personally, but we'll see. I've got to get them out tomorrow & clean the cage & get a better look, but only one of them is obviously male.
I ordered Golden Laced Wyandottes from him. They are on day 18, and theres only 3 still viable. Cant wait to see if they hatch.
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