Gorgeous eggs!


9 Years
Jul 14, 2012
Bariloche, Patagonia
My chickens have been laying the most gorgeous eggs lately! I just thought I'd share; I'm so pleased to finally have the egg colours I want in my basket! Mostly I get big green eggs, which is fine because my customer like them, but when I select just the most colourful this is what I get:

My chickens have been laying the most gorgeous eggs lately! I just thought I'd share; I'm so pleased to finally have the egg colours I want in my basket! Mostly I get big green eggs, which is fine because my customer like them, but when I select just the most colourful this is what I get:

Wowzers! Those are amazing! Can you share what breeds lay what? Love the speckles, the pink and the green with white speckles. They all look great together.
The ARE REALLY beautiful! I am jealous...
Yep, there's a wellie in there!
The big red/brown one on the top left is a Welsummer, and the other dark one is a Blue Copper Marans. It's late in the cycle for my marans, but they still lay a pretty dark egg. The brown spotted egg at the bottom right is also a marans egg. This one is several days old; after a few days the reddish hue changes to brown. This was one of the lightest and most speckled eggs yet from the marans. The pinky/mauve egg on the lower right is also the Wellie. She laid this the day we extended her run, and the next day she was sick and under the roost in the coop there was blue poop. She must have eaten something that disagreed with her and fouled up her system a bit. The egg is her regular dark red egg but with a calcium coating on top the red coat. So I hope I'll never get another egg like this one! I blew its contents at least, so I can keep it!

The light brown egg on top and the creamy pink one on the lower left are just barnyard mixes, some Barred Rocks and Sussex and who knows what else.

All of the green, light olive and blue eggs (including the very light blue egg on the bottom that looks white) are my Araucanas. I'm in Argentina, and the Araucanas here are more like clean-faced Ameraucanas; not like the true Araucanas in North America. They lay very big green and blue eggs with unusually large yolks, yum!! This season I'm raising the first olive-eggers; my marans roo over some Araucana hens. The first pullet is now 2 months old, it'll be a long wait yet but I'm looking forward to some dark green eggs!
The bluest egg at the top comes from one of my most beautiful girls. Her egg often has a concentrated blue colour on the fat end, you can sort of see it in the photo above. Here she is, I just love this girl:


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