Gorgeous Goats Contest 2 (ends 3-1-22) *Now Ended*

My boy Simba. We named him based on his white side marking that looks like the Simba that the mandrill shaman drew in The Lion King. He's a love, goofy for peaches!
Me, neither. Here's what I got. My goatie girls I bought for clearing brush, so they are all mutts. They are collectively known as "The Leftovers" because they were the ones no one wanted. I bought them on a Sunday. Had I not, they would have been sold for butcher the next day.

Name: Cricket (another one named Cricket - lol!)
Age: Just turned 1 year
Breed: Nubian/Nigerian cross
Other: Herd Queen in the making!

View attachment 2972973

Name: Nudge (aka Nudgie or Nudge-Nudge)
Age: Also just turned 1 year
Breed: Nigerian mix (no clue what all is there)
Other: Loves scritches, hugs, and BEGS to be brushed
View attachment 2972974

Name: Sunshine
Age: 1 year, like the others
Breed: Nubian/Boer cross
Other: HUGE and afraid of everything, except if whatever is scaring her somehow involves cookies (horse treats)
View attachment 2972978

Not pictured: Weezy
Age: 1 year
Breed: Mutt
Other: She is the "runt" and skittish, so I don't have any good pics of her; I also think she has rather poor eyesight
Oh my Cricket is just adorable! They all are, but she just has the sweetest face

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