Gosling Feet Peeling?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
I have a gosling, 9 days old. He's doing great (I'll call him he, though I don't really know), eating like crazy, growing like a weed.

But, for the last few days he's had what I'd call a runny nose. He'll occasionally have liquid come out of his nose, even when he hasn't had any water for a while, and he'll sling his head around to sling the liquid off, like he's blowing his nose. Little droplets of wetness go flying. But that doesn't bug me much, I figure he has a cold. Birds get those. I'm making sure he stays as warm as he wants, and has plenty to eat and drink.

But, recently, over the last 3 days, his feet have started peeling. It started around his ankles and them moved down to his feet and up his legs. Not cracked/dry/bleeding type peeling. More like he had a sunburn, healed, and now the top layer of his skin is coming off type peeling. He doesn't seem to notice, it doesn't seem to hurt him, and the skin underneath looks/feels soft and normal.

Is this something wrong with him? Or is it normal?

And, another question. Do I have to teach him what to eat? Right now I've got him on non-medicated starter crumbles. I occasionally bring him some cut grass, and he happily eats it. It's warm here in the days (over 80F) so I've started bringing him outside occasionally, and he'll see me picking grass for him, and he'll chew on the grass too, though he's not good at eating it yet unless I tear it off for him. Will his instincts kick in? Will he figure out what he should be eating? Or do I need to help him figure it out?
He sounds fine.

THe legs peeling is just that he is growing so darn fast he is outgrowing his old skin.

The drool slinging is ok, too. He just probably overate and if you picked him up or he was too full he spits up.

He will figure out the grass soon enough. He is a baby still.

And you must post pics. You cannot post about gosling cuteness with out pics!

What kind is your gosling?
I was hoping the peeling was normal. It didn't look like it was hurting him.

As for the liquid out of his nose, I'm pretty sure it's not spitting up. It's clear, and he does it even when he hasn't been picked up or hasn't eaten lately. It's really kinda like he has a runny nose.

I'm not sure what kind of gosling he is. I got his egg from a local lady that raises several different varieties of geese together, and she claims they even occasionally cross-breed. They all lay into the same nest, and she mixed the eggs. I'll try to take a new picture of him tomorrow, but he's fuzzy, yellow, and has a greyish back and dark beak. *shrugs* He could be a mutt.

Here's a picture of him helping me at the computer 3 days ago:


He's grown a lot since then.
Quality time with the gosling:





10 days old. You can see the webbing between his toes still peeling.

He usually looks around a bit (I've got a towel there to catch the gosling poop, and to let him stand without slipping on the smooth desk surface), snuggles up next to one of my arms, chews on my arm for a bit, and then curls up and falls asleep. His mom is supposed to cover him with her wings while he's sleeping, and this is as close as he gets, so he sleeps while he can.
he is the cutest thing ever! awww! i'm not sure about the "running nose" but i hope he's okay. he's so adorable. you're gonna be his best friend forever i'd guess.

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