Gosling hatch issue- time sensitive

Feb 21, 2022
NW Michigan
I had a gosling prematurely pip ( I believe) due to its hatchmates rolling the egg around. It had its beak out of a pip for 48 hours before I intervened (and only b/c I realized its membrane was drying out). I got it unshrink wrapped but left it still in shell enough that it would have to get itself out if it wanted to live. ( I took off just the shell that was in the way and got the shrink wrap off its upper body).

It's out of the shell but has what I guess is maybe unabsorbed yolk? Tips? I don't want it to suffer needlessly if it's not going to make it but also don't want to cull if it's going to be absolutely fine. This little guy seems like a fighter. He's scooting around the brooder. Hubby searched the forum and saw a thread where someone said to take it out, wrap that part in a damp paper towel, put it in a coffee cup and put it under the brooder light. Is that the best course of action?


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I had a gosling prematurely pip ( I believe) due to its hatchmates rolling the egg around. It had its beak out of a pip for 48 hours before I intervened (and only b/c I realized its membrane was drying out). I got it unshrink wrapped but left it still in shell enough that it would have to get itself out if it wanted to live. ( I took off just the shell that was in the way and got the shrink wrap off its upper body).

It's out of the shell but has what I guess is maybe unabsorbed yolk? Tips? I don't want it to suffer needlessly if it's not going to make it but also don't want to cull if it's going to be absolutely fine. This little guy seems like a fighter. He's scooting around the brooder. Hubby searched the forum and saw a thread where someone said to take it out, wrap that part in a damp paper towel, put it in a coffee cup and put it under the brooder light. Is that the best course of action?
It should be ok, put it in a bowl lined with dry paper towels or tissues, and keep it in the incubator.
Wet ones can chill the baby too much, and they don't really help with humidity. Good luck with him!
You think it will fit? also, any idea how long it will take for the yolk to absorb?
I posted too early, haha. Sorry!
Will what fit? The bowl in the incubator? You want to keep it in the incubator, in case the brooder gets too hot. The incubator should stay much more steady than a heat lamp, lamps get hot and if he's in a bowl he can't get away.
I posted too early, haha. Sorry!
Will what fit? The bowl in the incubator? You want to keep it in the incubator, in case the brooder gets too hot. The incubator should stay much more steady than a heat lamp, lamps get hot and if he's in a bowl he can't get away.
We use a brooder heater plate but the bowl did fit in the incubator. He's feisty. He was moving around the incubator pretty good. Hopefully we didn't cause the last pipped egg any issues opening it but.. I couldn't just watch him die:(

Ducklings were much lower maintenance to hatch than these goslings.

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