Goslings dying daily of convulsions.


9 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Luxor, Egypt
I live in Egypt and have chickens, ducks and goslings. Over the past week they have been dying daily. Their wings droop first, then they cannot stand and they end up having convulsions. This has effected the geese and ducklings mainly but we have had one chicken death in a similar way. One we have noticed is that goslings beaks and feet go very red and dark. We thought maybe it was because they were too hot, so we put them in the back garden with the water. But then one of our 2 month old chickens died in a similar way. Her feet too were deep red and she died over a few days. I have been keeping tabs on one forum about the convulsions in the goslings but this red beak/red legs thing seems weird. The chicken can get out of the sun but maybe it is a symptom of over-heating? Any ideas?
I live in Egypt and have chickens, ducks and goslings. Over the past week they have been dying daily. Their wings droop first, then they cannot stand and they end up having convulsions. This has effected the geese and ducklings mainly but we have had one chicken death in a similar way. One we have noticed is that goslings beaks and feet go very red and dark. We thought maybe it was because they were too hot, so we put them in the back garden with the water. But then one of our 2 month old chickens died in a similar way. Her feet too were deep red and she died over a few days. I have been keeping tabs on one forum about the convulsions in the goslings but this red beak/red legs thing seems weird. The chicken can get out of the sun but maybe it is a symptom of over-heating? Any ideas?
I´ve not come across anything like you describe, maybe someone on these threads has.
Here the temps get up to about 40ºC and the geese just go into the shade, they´re fine.
Convulsions and things are often a sign of nutrition deficiency, like niacin, which you´ve probably been reading about. Have you tried adding this to their water or feed.
Strange thing is, there aren´t a lot of diseases that both chicken and geese suffer from in the same way....have you seen any blood in the poops?

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