Goslings sitting with "Auntie"


7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Eastern Washington State
I have two trios - this year all four geese made nests and have been sitting - two (one of each trio) started sitting about 1-2 weeks before the other one of their trio. My question is --- in the past, once one of the geese started hatching her eggs, the other goose abandoned her nest to be with the goslings. So far, this has not happened this time, however the goslings are "visiting" their "aunties" on their nests and I'm wondering if I should just let them or if that is going to encourage the goose to give up her eggs and desert her nest? I have a partition in each nesting area that I can close in the goose who is still sitting, but I feel badly about not letting her interact with the others if it's not going to make any difference. The goslings in each of the trios are about a week old, I'm hoping the others will begin hatching soon. Any ideas or what you did or did not do in a similar situation would be appreciated.
I have two trios - this year all four geese made nests and have been sitting - two (one of each trio) started sitting about 1-2 weeks before the other one of their trio. My question is --- in the past, once one of the geese started hatching her eggs, the other goose abandoned her nest to be with the goslings. So far, this has not happened this time, however the goslings are "visiting" their "aunties" on their nests and I'm wondering if I should just let them or if that is going to encourage the goose to give up her eggs and desert her nest? I have a partition in each nesting area that I can close in the goose who is still sitting, but I feel badly about not letting her interact with the others if it's not going to make any difference. The goslings in each of the trios are about a week old, I'm hoping the others will begin hatching soon. Any ideas or what you did or did not do in a similar situation would be appreciated.
I put up temporary fencing around mine so the goslings and ducks and other geese didn´t intefere. the geese concerned weren´t bothered, they´d get off the nest, eat, have a bath and get back on the nest.
I have an update -- the American Blue goose (2nd in the trio) finally hatched her eggs - about a week after the first one. I guess letting the earlier little ones sit with Auntie didn't hurt anything. They are all buddies now.

the little gosling in the foreground is only about 8 days older than the tiny ones
I have an update -- the American Blue goose (2nd in the trio) finally hatched her eggs - about a week after the first one. I guess letting the earlier little ones sit with Auntie didn't hurt anything. They are all buddies now.

the little gosling in the foreground is only about 8 days older than the tiny ones
That´s great, they´re lovely.

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