got a indoor worm composting bin (photo blog)

You just made my day !

Lol! Glad you got a laugh out of it. I was seriously gagging when I thought they were actually drinking worm-poo tea.
I make tea out of my chicken poop, you should see the look on peoples faces when I offer them a gallon of my tea and I tell them that its pure chicken sh*t! The worm casting tea is also great, our local garden store has a free compost tea parties on Friday, BYOB!
boyd have tried this yet?

Worm Tacos Recipe


8 each corn tortilla
1 teaspoon chopped fresh garlic
2 tablespoons gaucamole
2 table spoons pico de gallo
4 ounces queso fresco
2 each lime1 pound dried worms


In sautee pan cook the worms in extra virgin olive oil with the garlic. Squeeze some lime on them. Warm the tortillas and put one on top of another, making four doubles. Spread evenly the queso, pico and guacamole. Dish out the worms evenly too....though I can’t understand why you would.
I have a worm bin too.Just a plastic tote. My biggest problem is the fruit flies. I have taken to using a vacuum on those suckers.I got my worms from dd's Montessori class.They gave me a free cup and I now have a bin full this year. On friday the teacher asked me if I wanted the rest of the worms.I guess they are moving on to other things.I was excited.I got a 10 or 18 gallon tote box full of *black gold* aka worm poo,and what worms survived(lots).It was worth it to carry that heavy bin to my car! I have been setting up new bins so I can collect the poo dirt.I already added some to my plants.

I juice and the pulp from the juicer is great for the worms.I also use a blender on chunky stuff.I was reading pages on worms and saw they love pumpkins.I know they ate up my cantelope fast. Besides using the poo dirt for my plants I feed some worms to my frogs/toads.

I noticed red wigglers at the local petsmart or whatever it is called.Almost bought some there when I found out dd's class had a worm bin.It was like $5 for a cup of worms at the pet shop.
Backdoor Chicken, I still LOVE your avatar! I keep damp cardboard on my worm bin to help keep in the moisture, but I don't keep a lid on it. Just FYI, you know how worms love to congregate in the yard under old cardboard or wood.
We have a worm bin with red wrigglers. I use onion in mine. It definately isn't their favorite food so I use it sparingly. I don't feed onion to the chickens, so the rest of the onion goes on the compost pile.

We also have a spigot at the bottom for tea. Love it!

I did get carried away and gave them to much food and had fruit flies all over the place. Ick.

Love the worms!

Speaking of which, it's time to harvest them. I think I'll give em to my neighbor. She's been wanting some.
ive eaten earthworms and leaf worms before, but never this way.. You do lots of dumb things when alcohol is involved in college.. But this way sounds decent if it was your only protein source.
for you growers: One University of Georgia study found that plants fertilized with worm castings saw a 126-percent higher growth rate than those treated with chemical fertilizers.
my dad is still picking tomato's and it gets down to 30's at night here in michigan.

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