Got an incubator, just need like 2 fertile eggs so I can try it out. .


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
Newark, DE
I am looking for 2 eggs to hatch out in my new incubator. I have 2 red sex link hens (11 months old), and 1 Red/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Roo with really good blue egg genes(6 months and still not crowing). I am looking for eggs that will hatch out hens that should produce blue, green, or chocolate brown eggs so that I can mix this with my Roo. Can anyone help me out? Most every auction I see is for way more eggs than I want to hatch.
You might have to buy a dozen of eggs to just get a few to hatch. You never want to have just one chick to hatch. They will cry all the time.
This time of year i would suggest buying at least 6 eggs and up to 12. Not all of them should hatch due to shipping, incubation method....ect. Even if they all do hatch, you can always sell them.
I have Buff Orp eggs I can do 12+ eggs for $27 Includes shipping. I can ship next Monday. I am currently finning a large order. I have 1 Roo over 7 Hens with 95-100% fertility with about 95% hatch rate here! PM if your interested.


Edited for spelling*
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Thanks alot everyone. I have 6 EE eggs going to be on the way. Since this is my first hatch, I am hoping for 2+

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